
Are the jewish and the gypsies a minority in USA ?

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Are the jewish and the gypsies a minority in USA ?




  1. I don't think religious preferences qualify you for minority entitlements.  There are certain groups that aim benefits and programs for particular religious groups.  

    Gypsies are a group of people by definition who move from place to place with no particular home.  They are not necessarily descended  from the same heritage.  Most states have laws against gypsies again by definition as homeless vagrants.  

    Long answer short - no neither group qualifies for federal protected status as a minority.

  2. Gypsies are an ethnic group, they speak a language which has roots in India.  The last time I saw Gypsies was at a flea market in a city north of here. Women were wearing long skirts, they looked kind of unkempt and it looked like  they had been living in a van or car. Two days later there was an incident in my city,20 miles to the south, apparently a band of Gypsies came into a large pharmacy and one woman was asking the pharmacist about the best medicine to take for her illness, she "fainted" and there was a rush of people trying to help her. After the Gypsies left the store, the pharmacist noticed the shelves had been cleared of certain items, over $300 worth of merchandise, and that was back in the 80's. There weren't so many security cameras back then.

  3. Uhh not where I'm from which is Fresno, CA. I guess we have a few Jews but I've never even seen a Gypsie here, isn't that a London thing?

  4. We don't have gypsies but Jews are a minority.

  5. why would anyone but a racist care

  6. --- Although I think this question is a little bigoted I can tell you that both Jews and gypsies are a very small minority in the USA. Only in the USA most actual European gypsies are located in NYC or Oregon. There is another group of gypsies called "travelers." There is a large distinction between gypsies and Jews though. Gypsies are a clannish criminal group built around family ties, whereas Jews are an ethnic group built around a religious faith. One group are criminals and the other are simply people of a faith.

    --- Travelers (from the Scottish & Irish Travelers of the UK) continue to live in clans mainly in the Kentucky area as I recall. Every summer they take off in their very large pick-ups, trailers and towed equipment and head North. There they bilk people out of money with roofing scams, driveway sealing scam, out right theft and strong armed robbery.

    --- One only need do a google search on " Traveler driveway sealing scams" to get numerous entries from around the country about Irish & Scottish travlers and Gypsies plying their bunko trade.

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