
Are the libs mad about their dream ticket being butchered? ?

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The man of change and hope picks a man for VP who has been in Washington for 36 years............hmmmmm




  1. Biden was not so long ago Obama's harshest critic. The way that Obama announced how he chose Biden was, I want someone who will fight me on my decisions. Another words he's saying, "There's no flip-flop here in selecting old politics that I criticized" Obama's politics is of change and change again and again so that nobody knows what he wants. All he wants is the win and he may have grabbed an anchor and clinged to it as it sank all his chances.

  2. some dream ticket.  biden has failed in his attempts to run for president, if he wasn't wanted then, what makes them think that he will be wanted now.

    this election, the vp will play an important role, more than in other elections.  if this the only way that biden could be a success.  i don't think so.  guess we will see in november.

  3. All the talk about change is just talk, it's the same disengenuous c**p from democrats, swallowed whole by their followers, and glossed up by the media (just another group of their followers). Obama does for unity and equitability for all, about what Hitler did for the Jews. Their rhetoric spreaders (fertalizer spreaders) can't even answer a simple question about their policy, they just regurgitate what they have been told to memorize and spew out. Ask them about it what do they do? Just spew more of the same, without a bit of understanding about what they are talking about. That's fine for their followers who don't have a clue either, if they did there would be many questions because what the Obama group spews just doesn't add up, not even close, and it doesn't meet the test of reality at all.

    Biden might be a good choice for a democrat, it really doesn't matter what democrats do because the press will cover for them. All this talk about Edwards lying about an affair so he couldn't be president? What about Bill Clinton who was constantly having different women and sexually harassing those who said no? And assasinating the character of those who admitted having affairs with him, or reported the sexual harassment. That didn't change much for him did it? Democrats just don't care about quality of leadership or character, as long as they are democrats and go along with the party line. The fact is Biden is a plagerer and he lied about his grades, and was laughed out of the nomination contest in 1998, but that was before the Clinton era when lie steal and cheat came into vouge with the leftist masses.

  4. Yes,  their whole house-of-card has just been knocked-over--by  them.

    But hey all you other answerers!  What's all this  "change change"

    nonsense you keep spewing?

    Don't be  hatin' on the boy  because of his speech impediment!

    He's bringing  CHAINS!  He's the candidate of  chains.

    He's going to put chains and locks on your lips so you

    can't  ever say the "n" word again!  No, not the  one that's

    spanish for   the color black,   I'm talking about  "nitwit". You

    know,  THE "n" word.  The neo-bolshevist  extension  on

    the old CCCP Lyshenkoism to  humankind

    will demand that you and your lips recognize  that

    there just is no such thing as a  bad boy.  It's only  the

    varying  degrees to which  they've been victimized which

    determines  they don't have a degree, or that they're

    charged with   a more severe degree of felony.

    So remember;  not "change",  CHAINS.

    That's why he could bring  Uncle Joe Stal-er, "Biden" in on

    his ticket. He'll be  up to speed and  able to hit the ground

    running to install all those fetters and  CHAINS  on

    every imaginable  freedom  save one--the freedom

    from responsibility.

  5. Umm, this is still change.  Yeah, uhhh, he was picked later than usual.  He was announced via text message.  See, that's change.  Whew.  Thought you had the phony change movement by the shorthairs there for a second.

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