
Are the limits set out on public broadcasting of what you can say or cannot say going to encourage certain...?

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... people to broadcast on alternative and unregulated communicative mediums, such as the internet?

Should public broadcasting regulations be opened up?




  1. no. there's actually a debate going on right now about that, called the "fairness doctrine". we used to have something like that, but don't anymore. one of the major issues is that the internet couldn't possibly be monitored because it's so immense and easy to publish things on.

    public broadcasting regulations ARE about as open as they can be.

  2. It is already happening the Internet is and it will be the future voice. People are sick of the cowards who only allow their barmy and bias views. Move aside all; for the cyber voice and it's multitude of followers are being heard!

  3. or, put a less verbose way, do podcasts exist?

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