
Are the major oil companies putting their best foot forward on global climate change & the environment?

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What do you make of their websites and their efforts to deal with the issue? Is it just window dressing or a sincere effort to cope with a situation in which they are deeply involved?




  1. Well when you consider that the profits alone of the first two on your list exceed the annual budget of the nation on a year to year basis I would say their support of the AGW agenda has been very good for their bottom line. No wonder they are pouring hundreds of millions into the campaigns of oil friendly democrats to keep a comprehensive energy poilcy from happening.

  2. Total B.S.!

  3. "...a situation in which they are deeply involved...."

    Amy L, your approach of pretending that the main question has been resolved and "moving on to the next issues" as a way to kind of declare victory in a debate that you haven't won doesn't convince anyone.

    And please - Exxon has paid $19MM over the years to non-profit groups who commission papers on global warming - papers largely skeptical of the IPCC's process and conclusions.

    Governments have spent tens of billions funding groups who commission and author papers supportive of AGW.

    The main reason the theory matters to anyone is that if true it serves as a justification for massive government intrusion into our everyday lives, in ways that directly affect certain industries.

    Government has as much of an interest in people believing in the theory as oil companies have in people not believing in it.

    The oil companies, if people don't believe the theory, simply get to continue to offer their product for sale.     We're still free to buy it or decline to.   That is our choice.

    The government, if people believe the theory, will be empowered to make decisions for us - we will have no choice.

    And you're skeptical of the private companies but not the government?

  4. No it's not just window dressing, since they realize they need to start looking into alternative energy sources to branch off to, since oil most likely isn't an infinite resource. My guess to appease the people who believe CO2 emissions are the cause of the warming trend we experienced they write up their business plans as if they also believe CO2 is the underlying cause. In the long run it's just good business to revamp their business plans.

    I've also noticed this in my local electric company and a lot of major auto manufacturers, that's why I say the private sector is already doing something, so why should we have the government step in with penalties? I'd say guidelines are better and maybe even some incentives. But they should stay away from taxes.

  5. I think some of the oil companies deserve some credit on this front.  For example, Shell and BP have put a lot of money into alternative fuel R&D.  Of course, much of that is simply using foresight and preparing for the future when oil won't be the dominant fuel, but regardless of their motivation, they are moving in the right direction.  Plus as far as I know, they haven't funded any denialist global warming misinformation campaigns.

    On the other hand, whenever I see an Exxon commercial talking about how they care about the environment, I want to puke.  After the millions (probably even billions) of dollars Exxon has put into misinformation capaigns, I'm not sure they can ever redeem themselves at this point.

  6. Every industry and business uses PR to increase their profitability, and this is no different.  Clearly there are some legitimate efforts by these, and other, big energy companies to extend their profitability long into the future with alternative energy sources.  But in general, they are going to make as much money as they can now and if PR (like you linked too) will help, they'll use it. By sounding green, they hope we'll leave the future of energy in their hands rather than take it in a direction that could shut them out.

    This doesn't villainize one industry, it's a simple reality of capitalism (which is a great system, as long as there are some checks and balances in place).

  7. Too many people (especially liberal congressmen) curse and condemn the oil companies but the oil industry is a business that benefits millions of people!

    When you see your gas running at $4 a gallon for gas - keep in mind that the government taxes on that gas is more than the profit the oil companies get!

    Everyone who has a 401 plan, an IRA or a company retirement plan benefits from profits generated by the oil companies.  Even city and state government retirement plans benefit from investments in oil companies too!

    In America we are fortunate that we have our own sources of oil, otherwise we would be paying double for our gas like they do in other countries without oil resources!

    If there were no oil companies on Earth, no humans on Earth there would still be Global Warming!  In our past history over a billion years the Earth must have had a million Global Warming periods - this current cycle of Global Warming is just one more like the hundreds of thousands that have gone by!

    Without oil companies our economy would fall flat and millions and millions of people would be out of work - everyone should be thanking oil companies for our way of life - not condemn them!

  8. Everyone seems to be saying "sure it's killing our planet but we're gonna use it anyway".  There's too much money invested in oil, these people aren't gonna give it up just to save a tree or some endangered animal.  Their "concern" is B.S.  Past global warming periods were from nature, not the noxious gasses we're putting in the air.  Top this with the number of trees that are destroyed every year in the name of progress and our planet's abitity to recover goes way down as well.  We're s******g up our eco system and don't seem to care.  It's like slowly cutting the feathers off of a bird's wings, only so many can be cut before the bird can't fly anymore.  Do they really care?  No, they've got their money.

  9. Absolutley NOT.  Why are they going to make a serious concious effort to change the status quo of this country, when that same status quo has made them billionares.  THink about it.  These are some of the biggest corporations in the world.  Ultimately they have unlimited assets, funds, and resources at their disposal to take a positive step forward, but ultimately they do not do everything in their power to make a difference.

    Whether its because they dont beleive in the science behind global warming or because they realize that they can keep doing things as they are and continue to make huge profits they are not doing everything they can.  

    these are the companies that can do the most in this country because they not only have the resources to do it, but by greening one of these companies you not only create green technology but also take away the old dirty and polluting technology.  

    Granted they make SOME effort but I will say it is green washing.  They do the bare minimum to keep their public image up but dont go above and beyond.  Look at Ray Anderson and Interface Carpets.  That is a corporation that has done everything they can to become green and energy neutral.  It is amazing what Ray Anderson has been able to accomplish and that is not out of the reach of all these other major corporations but so few are doing the most they can.  

    It all comes down to money and the fact that they arent going to dip into thier own pockets to change what has filled those same pockets so well for so long....

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