
Are the majority of human beings stupid?

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As I grow older, the more I see that this is indeed true. Most people are morons. Do you agree or disagree?




  1. Yes. Thank you! I've been saying that for so long, and no one wants to admit it to me. The human race is quite a moronic one, and the ego just keeps pumping itself up to make the most ignorant ones believe they know what they're talking about. I'm hoping it's not one of those things we're stuck with, but I for now, I do believe the ego is wining this battle. I find it even worse that many people with "higher" education or "more" friends seem to think they're better than the "drop-outs" and "outcasts". Come on people, wake up!!!!!

  2. completely agree

  3. Yes!  I'm not even going to go there, just yes!

  4. I disagree with you.  The majority of people are of average intelligence and probably just like you.

  5. I would have to agree.  I think it has something to do with the drug era of the 60's and 70's : )

  6. I am for the involuntary human extinction movement just for this reason alone.

  7. Are you serious?

  8. I agree.  There's a group called the Frankfurt School who talk about this in great detail (look up Herbert Marcuse's One Dimensional Man).

    In a nut shell Marcuse argues that world order systems, Like Capitalism or Communism repress mass society so much so the same message is drilled into us again and again and again until our actions fall into predictable patterns.

    For example in capitalism we exist to consume, even those who think they are rebelling will still consume.  Capitalism can market anything to make a profit, even the anti-capitalism movements inherently serves capitalism.

    They weren't the most optimistic group of thinkers. :)  but I think a lot of what they say is true.  When I look around me now I see a load of stuff which really doesn't benefit me in any way shape or form yet I will still go other there and consume consume consume and I can't quite put my finger on why that is.  Surely it is more significant than fear of social exclusion?  

    Have we all turned into mindless drones?  I submit the above post as proof!

  9. What is stupid? If you have an IQ over 145 97% of the people on the Earth are potentially dumber than you. However, the majority is of average intelligence (IQ of 100). This amount is sufficient to qualify you as a functioning human nowadays but it can't be called smart. There are many factors which condition our intelligence. On one side, your natural intelligence (or potential) and on the other, your conditioned intelligence (that which you find and nurture yourself within your society). Human stupidity is seemingly overemphasized because of our mass communication, our numbers (and thereby diversity of thought and interests of varying intellectual levels), and years of mistakes. Human advancement is done by few whereas human decadence is done by all (see the most popular youtube videos) so our faults add up to more than our virtues. I think all of the good we do can't be compared to our many mistakes but yes we have all been very stupid at one time or another. When all of it comes together we are a mass conglomeration of stupidity stranded on a planet (entertaining ourselves with base entertainment). Are we all, in some form, stupid? Yes.

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