
Are the majority of people homophobic?

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I'd like to think differently but everywhere on the internet and in normal day life I hear something homophobic. How hard is it for people to accept homosexuality?




  1. I used to be "against" homosexuals.  At college the textbook had it down as a disease.  That was back in the 1960's.  And it was widely reported that it could be "cured".

    But then time marches on - and I heard they changed this in the psychiatric textbooks and said homosexuality was OK.  So that stuck in my mind, and as I began to meet g*y people I began to realize that they're remarkably nice people - don't have horns or hooves at all - no pointed tail.  

    So it was nice to give up my prejudice - however lot of other straight people never got the word - never met any nice g*y folks - never got a chance to go to college.  

    Anyway, it would be fun to know how many straight people harbor a lot of homophobia.  I can understand the emotion, and I'm just glad I don't have to have it anymore.  Hate fixes nothing.

  2. Everyones a little homophobic and everyones a little bi,people can still be bi and homophobic for jokes either way people just like to have fun,even though it can be mean.

  3. Today. In 2008 I don't think it is the majority of the public. It does depend on what part of the country you are in though. I think America is one of the most homophobic western countries in the world though. Europe is much more open minded and tolerant, Canada too. I would say about 1 in 3, one 1 in 4 people in america are somewhat homophobic. I believe that number is progressively going down though....

    Let's hope.

  4. I hope not. I hear it to and I think its because people find it not "normal". Maybe not in the United States but I think maybe in Muslim countries its like a HEEEELLL NO.

  5. It sucks to hear something homophobic. This world needs to be more accepting of diversity. It gets worst, from the world, countries, and communities. In my school we couldn't do the play "Hairspray" because there wasn't enough diversity. Anywho, In my opinion I dont think it should be hard for people to accept homosexuality, because they will have to accept "true love". I support love :] And I hope more people will too.

  6. yeah to some level, i think most people are. but there are also many people who arn't at all.

  7. Well, they are popping up inevitably. But there are still so many fellas who can't accept their existence (although its kinda rampant already) because of so many reasons which we may say, valid still. But how can you keep a flowers from blooming (lol)..? You can't. Just let them build their own world and fantasy.. Set them free... They still have a right to live and to find their lives as long as they are not dumping someone off.

    They are worth of respects.

  8. I will never accept homos.

  9. First and foremost the word homophobic is a misnomer. Translated it would be the fear of human beings.

    I think the question should be why is so difficult for g**s to keep their mouths shut about their sexual behavior. It is a private matter and should be keep that way. Not a reason for parading the streets of San Francisco.

    I have met very few people at this point in time that do not enjoy oral s*x.  So in those terms does that make most of us latent homosexuals. We know that down through history that on average approx. 10% of the population think of themselves as homosexual.  The behavior was removed from the DSM, and no longer classified as a mental disorder. So the point is live and let live. and mind your own bussiness.

  10. I have two brothers who are g*y. I am Straight and married.

    I think homosexuality is wrong, and they know it, but that is not the reason I am vocally against it. I am vocal about it because g*y's are vocal about it.

    Look at parades. A city or county parade does not have a float with people in cages wearing only their under ware. g*y parades do. I do not define myself or my lifestyle by my sexual practices. It's a private matter between my partner and me. So I don't think it should be for anyone else. Who likes public displays of affection, of any type, anyway? No one. So the group that defines themselves that way will be under fire.

  11. what do you mean accept homosexuality? most people could care less what one does in the privacy of their own homes. but don't try to act like the g*y life style is of the norm.

    you hear homophobic stuff all the time because your in america and america is a christian dominated society, but even if it wasn't religiously controlled it would still not be considered the norm.

  12. i don't know what it's like where you are, but here in NZ it doesn't seem too bad. no one seems to mind too much. we have a few g*y teachers at our school and no one really cares about it, or who's g*y and who isn't. most people seem to take it as normal. some people are homophobic tough, however they can't insult someone about it because most people will turn on them.... hmmm....

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