
Are the majority of people really stupid?

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Everyone I meet (well mostly) seems fairly reasonable and together, but when I read the news or watch the news, our society seems, well, retarded. We fight over stupid issues and can't even get simple things like getting along resolved. What is going on? Am I just getting lucky and meeting fairly intelligent people or are we all morons and just don't know it?!




  1. I believe the problem is due to the media's desire for sensationalism. It points out the worst of everything and doesn't give equal time to the positive.

  2. I think you're right.  The majority of the population is really uneducated.

  3. Not stupid, but real lazy.

    Unless asked their opinion without media input, a lot of people will not think out a question, but will go with whatever they are told that makes the most sense to them - even without all the facts.

    When asked a question with no media input and asked to justify their answer most will think it though a little, minus any breed biases on the subject.

  4. Half of the world is below average.

  5. There is a large sub-field in economics known as "public choice" which address many of these issues specifically.  In groups, individuals face radically different, and generally less effective incentive structures than they do as individuals.  If I personally face a choice between option A and option B, and know that one will make me $10 richer and the other will leave me $10 poorer, I will devote some effort to distinguishing between the two.  If I am part of a group of 1 million facing the same choice collectively,  the probability that my personal opinion will effect the outcome is negligible, and it is no longer worthwhile to examine the issue.

  6. No we are not all morons but they seem to prevail.  We hear about their moronic acts because they make good t.v. and good headlines.

  7. yes

  8. I don't believe so.  However many of our population are lazy, and deflect as much responsibility as they can. Our global population nourishes many intelligent members.  However, some of them go unnoticed because they have no source for education. Some folks are brilliant, but choose to eschew in the waste of energy many of us use to bring another around.

    Just don't be a snob.  As well, don't use your self image as a measuring tape.  Just involve yourself with those you feel comfortable with.  AND LISTEN.

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