
Are the majority of spirits/ghosts nice or mean?

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could they actually do something to you?

i've always wanted to talk to one. i know i can..

i just..never have gotten the courage to try.




  1. Ghosts have spirits that are lesser endowed than us human beings. We have a body- a temple for our spirit. They don't. Hence they cannot do anything to you.

  2. In questions similar to this, this little pearl comes to mind...

    In death as in life.

    In other words, if ghosts are truly the spirits of the deceased, then you can expect them to have the same general personality they carried in life. Some will be good. Some will be bad. Some will fall in the millions of shades in between.

    Now the chance of a ghost hurting you is very remote. Perhaps you hear of one person in a decade being actually hurt by a spirit. A spirit actually killing someone is perhaps 1 story every hundred years. It is the stuff of legends. More times than not, a person gets injured by interacting with a spirit because they simply did not expect it to happen. The phenomenon startles them and they trip, run into something, etc. However, that is not all the time. Grimstone had one case a few years back in which we had two members simultaneously shoved down a stairway. No one was seriously hurt, but it always stays on my mind when entering a place where ghost activity might occur.

  3. The majority of spirits are peaceful. When things start flying across the room at your head, like an expensive vase, that's when you know you don't have Casper living in your house.

  4. I think it would be comparable to the ratio of good and bad...nice or mean living people.

    If you are a bad person in life,  when you die,  you will most likely be the same when you pass over.

    And as far as being afraid that they will scare or harm you...just think of this:

    Would you let someone now ( that is alve )  scare or try to mess with you? ...probably not.  Then why would you be afraid of a person that is passed over and is trying to scare or mess with you?  They have no "special powers" over you.

    They are just human beings like us but have just passed over.

  5. well this is my encounter wtih a ghost of sorts...

    as such I dont think ghosts are nice, or mean.. they simply "are"

  6. Only entities can be good or evil, bad or good. A ghost is a residual form of a haunt so it is just repeating the same motions over and over and does not even know you are there.  

    A spirit can interact with you, but 90% of the time it is to a family member for some unfinished business or communicate something that they did not get to do when they were living.

    Angelic or Demonic entities can be protectors or harmful.  As this is rare, I would have to say that most spirits are nice or harmless to the living.  My opinion would be that if you go out to p**s them off and provoke them enough, I believe they could get a little nasty with you.  Then I guess you get what you ask for!

    Remember this....if you use a Ouija board to do your communticating then you could open doors to evil.  Be alert and use common sense.  Good luck!

  7. Just like in the physical world, in the spiritual realm there is light and dark, good and bad. The majority of spirits that come to someone are good, they don't mean anyone any harm. But there are just as many dark ones (demons and whatnot) who love to wreak havoc. But neither one of them can hurt you. It's actually very rare that someone gets physically hurt from a demon, and you have to be really weak--it requires you to give them power over you, which you do by being afraid.

    So, close your eyes, remember that the soul you're talking to was a person once, just like you, and say hi. But I wouldn't advise going out into a cemetary or a haunted house and going, "is anybody there?" That's how you end up with pesky things that won't go away and drive you bonkers. Cause when you open the door and call out to any and all, the first ones to show up aren't the good guys.

    But if you have one around you, it's okay to ask who they are and why they're there.  

  8. They are however you imagine them to be.

  9. Think of it this way. Spirits/ghosts are people with out a physical body. When they leave their body & find they are still alive and existing. Most want to share this with their family. Unfortunately, they can not communicate they are & or felling better. So they get frustrated.

    We have natural instincts, inner alarms if you will. When we sense or feel maybe even see a spirit, our inner alarm goes off. This alarm makes us aware and alert to something. With in this time period of alertness, we react with a sense of fear. When our fear steps in, we assume what ever is causing it, is evil or bad.

    A spirit who has been trying to communicate is like a child who has been trying to get the attention of their parent. The parent is busy and sends them off. The child walks away, hurt and frustrated. By not listening to the spirit, we are sending them away, time & time again, frustrating them, eventually they just get angry.

    Most spirits, who finely comes across someone who can communicate with them, become happy.

    If someone becomes nasty to you, you become defensive, same with a spirit. Demanding things from them is something you shouldn't do.

    There are some spirits that are just down & out mean. They can hurt you.

    Some will tug at your hair or touch you affectionately.

  10. Of course their nice, they have the same personality that they always had when they were alive, they aren't here to haunt you, their here pretty much to protect you. You should make the courage to do so. they wont hurt you

  11. make sure u get some good advice on dealing with spirits as there are some evil ones out there.i have no idea how many nice/mean 1's r out there.also make sure this is something u really want 2 get into cos once they know u can c them they will always try and get in contact with u which can b pretty scary!!

  12. if you talk to the wrong ones, they can hurt u. just watch it. once u start, dont plan on stopping. they follow u once u aknowledge them alot of the time. all u can do is try. if by chance u talk to the wrong one or someone u dont want to talk then just bansish them. its not as hard as it sounds, tell them(very firmly) that they're no longer welcome near you and that you no longer wish to see them. laws of the universe say they have to go away. google protection spells if your scared. iv got a really good one if u want to email me. their mainly all chants nd stuff, u just gotta find something that works.

  13. benign is the correct term

  14. There are a few types of "entities" Ghosts are usually not harmful to people.

    Negative entities (demonic) are. They are very uncommon and if you come into contact with one, contact a priest immediately (no matter how hokey that sounds)

  15. You must never talk or interact with spirits. These spirits or ghosts are actually demons. Demons are very deceptive and sometimes they take the form of a person who have died in order to trick the person into thinking they are ghosts and that they are harmless. But demons are very evil creatures that will stop at nothing to hurt people.  

  16. I agree with Little Grim.

    They could frighten you enough to make you trip, but on the most part they will act as they did in life. They also sometimes have stricter codes than we do now, and get upset if you don't do things their way.

    I did stay at a place for a week where my partner was pushed down stairs twice, and electrocuted once, we kept anything quiet from the kids, but even they ran out of their room screaming one night because the tapestry came alive. We had our stuff moved about, and knocking on the OTHER side of a mirror. All normal for a haunted mansion.

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