
Are the mirrors different between the lg shine black and silver?

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I have the black lg shine and looked on youtube for some reviews on what people think about it. The silver mirror looks much different from my mirror. Are the mirrors different or no?




  1. Well I'm not actualy sure because I've never had the black one but I have the silver one and the mirror is pretty good.... But I guess the silver one is a little better as a mirror because everything on it is silver! Hope it helps!!

  2. I have a Silver Lg Shine and my sister has a red one and both the screens are the same sort of reflection the only difference between them really is well obviously the colors silver and red and the color of the buttons mine light up blue and hers light up white

  3. Unless you see it in person, it's probably hard to tell.

    I bet they're pretty similar.

    The silver is probably a LITTLE more reflective because it's and silver is more reflective than black.

    But the mirrors look the same to me.

    Titanium Black:


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