
Are the movies that are coming out trying to warn us EX: The Happening?

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that movie.can a world crisis happen in our life time like gas prices and food prices rising?i mean theres no way you can say (this world is gonna be a happy place in the future)lol yea write i mean WTF is up with our stupid government?do they want us to go to War or what?now people are actually making movies about the world going to an END!EX:The Day After Tomorrow,The Happening,Judgment Day,and not only the movies but these people posting the end of the world videos on YouTube!!!i mean wtf are these signs or what?you tell me?i think im dreaming this all and everything is turning into a nightmare!am i?




  1. If we stay put the way we are and continue to use fuel for energy, etc. yes, there will be an enormous crisis. But the media likes to play on your fears because that sells. We are constantly making and looking for adjustments in everything we do. Other things will be in place in the future.

  2. thats a really good question.  someone told me the world will end in 2012 but i didnt believe them and after all these movies it kinda makes you think huh?

  3. I think it's just people with crazy imaginations.

  4. No one knows what that movie is about, not even the actors know what that movies about! They said they haven't seen it yet so YOU may end up seeinG it before them!

  5. lol, those movies are just directors imaginations of good movies,  the day after tomorrow will probs happen someday, not any time soon.     SPOILER- for 'the happening'   nature ain't gunna turn against us and make us all commit suicide like in that movie, Those people on youtube are fat americans with nowt better 2do than try to scare people,              its not the apocalypse, yey anyway, in 2012 maybe according to the X FILES FINAL EPISODE or Nostradamus, for the signs of the apocalypse go to :,                                           have you seen 'THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT'?   coz that freaked me out,                  one movie that WILL happen soon, is BBC'S SUPERVOLCANO, thats something to be scared of, if you live near yellowstone, you're screwed mate!

    If not, you're fine, hope i didnt freak you out

  6. I can assure you on my heart it's a spiritual war.

    Always has been always will be.

    And yes the end is nigh; for god is forever merciful.

  7. Revelation of the method.Elites laugh as they show us their plans.

  8. If you take fictional movies seriously, I'd love to see you pull Snow White's dwarves out of your closet.

    It's just playing on human fear.

  9. hee hee..movies are supposed to be for entertainment. if your that freaked out over them..stick to disney.

  10. I've been hearing about 'the world ending' for about 25 years.  The dates are always wrong, the

    circumstances change, and people actually Make Money off of our fears!  The movies, books, etc.

    The above aren't signs.

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