
Are the muslims sleeping?

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there are so many woman who have been widowed and children been turned to orphans. there was this lady who went out borrowing old clothes from others so that her kids could wear on eid. her hubby died fee sabeelillah. what are the muslims doing?. there are many such stories and stories that are worse. what can we as muslims do.?




  1. Once a village leader asked the villagers to fill few barrels with milk in order to feed the poor in the village. The leader ordered that each house having  a cow should donate half of the milk they get the following day. One of the villager thought, what if me alone don't donate, after all no one is going to know about it. Shortage of one person is nothing midst thousands. The next day, the barrels were seen empty. What happened was that every villager thought like the one man. What if I don't donate?.

    Likewise we are all Muslims, it's all our duty to help one another as much as we can without blaming one another. Many like me thinks like the village man. 'What if I don't donate'  We also have obligatory to pay Zakah if are eligible for that. Alhamdulillah there are many organization in the Ummah who work behind these purposes sincerely and many do fulfill their responsibility. We can join them for the cause and help them or me or you and every Muslim can strive for that.

  2. we can do a lot but the question is why aint we doing it?

    perhaps the dunya has gotten to our heads too much

  3. 1.  Realistically, go door to door with your clothes and money and see who needs help.

    2.  Help those organizations that do such work.

    3.  Teach those women to help themselves!  Sitting by yourself and feeling sorry for the fate that has befallen you will not help.

  4. Muslim government become slaves of non muslims. They are not united.  

  5. in a way they are sleeping, only what keeps them going is hope.

  6. they are sleeping....literally and metaphorically...the only thing that's alive is hope

  7. There is Hope

    but i really know some people who really do something like that which are you saying about

      (Aik diyaa jalay tu uss say saray diaay roshan kiaay ja saktay hain best hope and positive thinking)

    they help people for all kind but did not shown their name  

  8. give to charity

    give zakkah

    if every muslim in the world payed their annual zakkah correctly then there wont even be a needy muslim or muslimah out there

    but alot of this is over our heads, the rising food prices and inflation in the world today is causing many people to lose their money

    even in america there ar 7,000 come forclosures a DAY

    in AMERICA

    there is not much we as everyday citizens can do other than lend a helping hand, give our zakkah, donate clothes and food, and volunterr  

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