
Are the names babies have now different from the names teenagers have?

by Guest60606  |  earlier

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most of the kids in my class had in my perspective normal names. Like sarah, patrick, michael, will.

Names like those, but at my little sister's daycare the kids had some pretty weird names like isabella, brooke, nicolette.

So I am wondering if those names are considered normal now




  1. As normal as you p**p Master.  

  2. Brooke's not a weird name, it's pretty common for teens.

    Yeah, it's just that parents now seem to like to be more "creative" and "unique" with their names. Which is usually a good thing, if it's a pretty name. But some are just weird.

    I know alot of babies named Michael, Sarah and Will. So they're still common.

  3. As times change so do name trends.  I agree, the names of kids I went to school with seem old fashioned these days and the names I suggest to my 8 and 9 year old are odd to them because no one at their school has them.  I named my son Evan which was a name of a boy I went to grade school with and always loved.  Most names I like are people I went to grade school with and I actually like unisex names which a lot of people on here hate, but it's my kids :).  Plus, it depends on where people live as well.  I  know there are people on here from UK that dislike almost everything an American suggests and visa versa.  

  4. My great great great grandmothers name was Isabella and my mothers was Isobelle. Nicolette  has been around for years too, I had a girl in my class with this name and that was in the 60's. So how are these names weird?

  5. How are Isabella and Brooke weird?

  6. Because the older generation picked out normal classic names and the next generation is picking out names that are what they like

    but those names aren;t really wierd

  7. i think that those are relatively normal names.

    what about apple, brooklyn, america, shiloh, chance

  8. Isabella,Brooke,and Nicolette aren't weird names. I'm 15 and I know an Isabella and a Brooke that are my age. But I also know a Michael and other people with traditional names, like Matthew,Rachel, and so on. And how old are you? It could make a difference if you hear weird names or not based on your age.

  9. I think there are two reasons

    1) people are naming kids after their grandparents

    2) people think they need to compete with celebrities by giving their kids ultra original names.  

    I'm not impressed with half the names I read on the baby naming section.  My kids all have common names.  Josh, Patrick, Justin, etc.

  10. Heh... Brooke isn't weird.  It's pretty common, actually.

    Some people are tired of common and boring names.  Others like really common, strong names.  It just depends on the parents and their cultures/backgrounds.

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