
Are the native english really French-German?

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  1. and viking and roman and everything else you can think of.

  2. The human race is widely accepted to have evolved and spread out from Africa.

    We can pick an arbitory point in time and decide THAT is where we came from, choosing the names of modern day countries if it suits us but much more fluid interactions have been taking place for thousands and thousands of years

  3. Ah, the English are a merry mixture. That beautiful island was invaded not only by the Romans but also Celts, Vikings (Norway), Normans ("French"), northern Germans, and gosh knows who else. To one degree or another so were Scotland and Ireland. In our time there are folks of Scottish ancestry in the English border counties and Protestants of Scottish ancestry in Ulster, in Northern Ireland, and Irish immigrants in almost every large city in England, etc., etc. The US isn't the only 'melting pot.'

  4. I seem to remember that the British people originated from southern Germany from where they traveled accross the North of France where they stole women. So that could explain why the majority of original Brits are fair skin and mostly blond. But then, you had many invasions from Nordics, Romans and few others.

    I know that the Scotts are mostly from Scandinavia, as their dialect still can be understood by the Swedes and Norwegians.

  5. how dare you! there the two worst countries i know! i think there`s viking and roman in there too!

  6. No, we have even broader origins than just Franco German.

    Not too long ago there was a documentary on tv that examined the DNA of various people with one thing in common, they all considered themselves to be pure thoroughbred English, some with quite right wing views regards people from other ethnic groups.

    Their DNA was from all over the place with significant elements of black African & asian mixed in. Apparently you can have skin as white as fresh snow but still have a black african ancestor as recently as five generations back. It was quite a bombshell for some of them.

  7. Where the h**l did you hear it?!

    as I know, English culture has been influenced by French (since Middle Ages) and German (a little bit in their language, because of the nordic origin, maybe). Thus, the French language and culture were born in ancient times, with romanic influence.

    English culture has its origin on Scandinavian Europe, with Gaelic influence (a little Latin influence as well, if you want to considere it, but it's vocabulary, only. Nothing important). There's almost nothing to do with Germany or France \o/

  8. where did you come up with that from

  9. no scottish

  10. If you're refering to the British as native English, then sort of. The British as well as several German, Scottish and Irish all came from the early Celts. Celt refers to that region and the style of life. Like for example, Queen Boudica was called a Celtic warrior, which most people associate with Ireland, but she lived in the Britian area and is in British histories. As for the French, try asking the French.

  11. Yes.There was a time when there was no England.They all came from somewhere.Also,European countries are so small and close together that anyone from Europe is probably British,French and German at least.

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