
Are the natural disasters a punishment from God?

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When you see the US greed, political terrorism, utilization of torture around the world (check what water boarding is) and repeated denial to take responsibility for its crimes and pollution contribution. Do you think it is a sign from God? While developing countries also have their blame none have the technology, resources and skilled personnel to employ a true change to protect the environment like the US. Perhaps this is merely a face slap from Mother Nature and in comparison to it, all the nuclear weapons of the US will appear futile.




  1. Sure?

    It's not the work of God?

    Look in the real world.

    Even with seven times of extra ordinary power of destruction of human errors?

    With earth,wind,fire water and plagues infront own doorstep?

    Then "God must be crazy"

    Leviticus 26.13-24,30-41

    Or someone else is getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    "See I told you so"

    John 7.19

    In doing things at own whims and fancy?

    Leviticus 4.13,22

    With code of honour " Over my dead body"

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Not with Code of Honour of the Ten Commandments?

    Matt 22.32

    What do you think?

  2. no, there is no God and there have been natural disasters since the earth was created, the scientists believe somewhere around 4.5 billion years ago.

  3. punishing who for what..?..crushing and killing innocent Chinese people and children for living..?

  4. no i dont think so i think god is just trying to help us in life by teaching us and testing our faith showin us he is always there

  5. No, I think they're natural disasters.

    "God" promised not to infere with our lives

  6. known as the "Prince of the Air".

    Therefore...if there be blame...let it be on Satan.

  7. Why do people say that natural disasters are a punishment from god when they happen to their enemies, and say that it is god testing their faith when disasters happen to their own countries.  The sooner you people get over the fact that there is no god, the better off we all will be.

  8. Punishment?  No.  They are the consequences of the state of the human spirit.  God knew it would happen.

  9. No, after the flood God promised he wouldn't do that again. Are you calling God a liar?

    Serious answer: You're joking, right?

    Really serious answer: We now know that God's creation is vastly, almost infinitely, greater and more magnificent than was dreamed of by our primitive forebears. We are but  a microscopic thread in the tapestry of God's universe, a universe that shows us at every level the path to God. The idea that God would play childish lightning bolt games with us is arrogant and self centered in the extreme. The Middle Ages is over, your theology is out if date.

    I mean, you are suggesting that God kills innocent babies and children to teach us a lesson? What kind of perverted sick demented psychopathic being would do that? You aren't talking about the God I know.

    Short answer: No

  10. It is a question that everyone's mind is preoccupied with all time , but put on a global scale. Namely its the discernment in mind regarding "good luck - bad luck", closely related to another discernment that puts our mind to work most of the day, namely the discernment of "reward and punishment". To answer your question I'll give you a quote by Baal HaSulam:

    " It is written that “there is none else beside Him”, meaning that there is no other power in the world with the ability to do anything against Him. And what man sees, namely, that there are things in the world, which deny the household of above, is because He wills it so.

    And it is deemed a correction, called “the left rejects and the right adducts, meaning that that which the left rejects is considered correction. This means that there are things in the world, which from the beginning aim to divert a person from the right way, and they reject him from holiness.

    And the benefit from these rejections is that through them a person receives a need and a complete desire for God to help him, since he sees that otherwise he is lost."

  11. god is not in the disaster business. you said it yourself, natural. if you're looking to blame someone, try mother nature.

  12. There was a fantastic book called 'The Hidden Messages in Water' by Dr. Masaru Emoto who says that water is capable of storing human energy (emotions). It's a fascinating book, but long story short, I wouldn't put it past old mother earth to be storing our negativity in the oceans and have it release every so often. Almost every natural disaster has something to do with water: hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, droughts (lack of), even earthquakes. I hold a small theory that there is no global warming, there is global lack of respect and what goes around comes around.

  13. you bet ye.

  14. the US has taken alot of measures and made numerous laws concerning regulation of the air and water pollution, which I can't say everyone else has...look at China, they use coal to power their country....ever see what a country looks like after 50 or 60 years of burning coal?  Before you attack the US on it's conservation policies I would do some more research on it.  As for getting what it deserves? what about the tsunami in Malaysia a few years back, that killed like 20X the amount of people 911 did, and last time I checked, Malaysia and Madagascar didn't do anything to anyone to deserve it, natural disasters are the Earth's way of controlling it's population, from plagues to tsunami's to tornadoes, it goes on and on, you'll never control mother nature, and it's not picking on any particular race of people because of what they're currently doing in the world.

  15. We reap what we sow, whether it's God or not, is not for me to say, but one way or another, there's a lesson to be learned somewhere in all this.

  16. No. It's a combinations of weather and stupidity. The mississippi river floods every few years. Yet, people still build houses in the flood zones.

    New Orleans was a city built right on the coast below sea level. That's the ulitmate in denial and stupidity.

    That's two examples and I could go on and on.

  17. No,most natural disasters happen in poorer areas of the world,those people have done nothing wrong and they really have to physically struggle to survive,why would a caring God want to punish them.

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