
Are the neocons prepared for the consequences?

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The Bush administration has been very aggressive in consolidating more and more power in the executive branch, and weakening Congress' oversight.

If he continues to be successful, are the conservatives prepared to quietly accept a liberal president that takes advantage of the increased power that Bush has acquired for the White House?




  1. The power in the executive branch is nothing compared to that in the judiciary.  The major controversies of the day are decided by nine unelected officials, appointed for life, without any checks or balances on them.  If we want to spread the power out, let's start there.

  2. FDR did it, so it's not like it's a new thing.  Let's just hope Obama doesn't decide to inter an entire segment of the population based on ethnicity like FDR did.  Those FEMA camps might come into use yet.

  3. Very good point. And I also like Kyrix's answer. And it inspires me to say this:

    During the 1960s, neoliberals on the Supreme Court were drastically increasing the power of the Supreme Court, extending the power of judicial review into topics where the Court had never dared to tread before. And I guess you could easily say that the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore is a consequence of having the Court's jurisdiction expanded so significanlty. Think about it.

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