
Are the new coach shoes in or out?

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Are the new coach shoes in or out?




  1. No, they are in style...

  2. it shouldnt matter whats in or not, if you like them and they fit your personal style get them.

    fashion is like an art, have fun with it !

  3. does it matter? if you like them thats all that matters :D

  4. wow

  5. Yeah, who cares. Coach is lame, knockoffish, and plain ugly.

    Neon colors and huge floral dresses are in style.

    If jumping off a bridge was "in", EVERYone would do it.

    (Not really.)

  6. I wouldn't call them 'couture' or 'fresh off the runway', but I'd imagine that they'll be popular, especially to public schools that cater to the upper-middle class.

  7. in i love them and iwish i had some!!!!

  8. Who cares?

  9. idk i like them

  10. who gives a ****?

  11. yes. and no. coach never was that good with shoes

    but it's alright

  12. well what do you think?

    thats what matters

  13. why do u care? wear want u want

  14. Out.

    They're all really ugly.  

  15. I don't like them - but I like the Cole Haan shoes.

  16. Who cares, u shouldn't just wear things because everyone else is u poser.

  17. Depends, for preppy, no. For more of a punkish preppy yea! I love them!

  18. Depends. Is the right leg in or out?

  19. Some of them are cute.  they ones that have the C's all over them are a little tacky though.

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