
Are the new government proposals on favouritism for ethnic minorities and women, both racist and sexist ?

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  1. i think they are very ill advised. just more  politically correct c**p.

  2. Yes!It is!Get ready for a General Election announcement!What they are really doing is!Pandering up to the ethnic minorities again!Why?So that they will think kindly of them in the marginal ethnic minority constituencies!As if we cannot see through these cretinous Labour fools!Now when it comes to the elderly!Now there is a turn up for the book!Why?They know that the pensioners have a strong voting lobby!Let this message go loud and clear to Gordon Brown!You took us un the last time!But!We are up to your little duplitious games  now!

  3. Lucky me I work for my dads company, my mum is Indian (high caste - father is English) but I look basically white.

    How ridiculous.

  4. Immigrants should not be given any preference in the job situation, I can only see this proposal alienating these people more if it is seen to be favouritism. If a woman is doing exactly the same job as a man, then yes, they should be paid the same,

    but should not get preference for a job over a man just to make up the numbers. This also goes for ethnic minorities.

  5. It is not favouritism but equality.  What's wrong with that?

  6. No. Discrimination in favour of UNSUITABLE minorities and women is neither racist or sexist, it's just plain illogical. Discrimination in favour of SUITABLE candidates, be they of whatever race, s*x or species, makes for common sense. Problem is, the whole policy is being powered by UNSUITABLE maniacs who shall discriminate in favour of more maniacs like themselves! If ever favouritism for SANITY (the most oppressed minority group) comes into force, then we might have a chance.

  7. I don't know about that but they are a bit like  that daughter of the aristocracy, Harriot Harman. Stupid ill thought out and unhelpful to Industry women and the ethnic minorities. They will of course succeed in becoming law because Political correctness will ensure that any reasoned debate in parliament or elsewhere will be stifled.

    Does she not realise that many of those voted  into parliament because they were women, "Blair's Babes"

    of whom she is one have failed to do the job.

    It is a pity that in Harman's failure that she  has not recognised that the women who have succeeded  Thatcher, Shirley Williams, Barbara Castle etc. have done so because they were up to the job not because they were women.

    So before the women's libbers start I will say as a man that I welcome women in senior positions because they bring in an extra and very valuable  special dimension to our affairs, but I do not welcome women who reach these positions because they are women or belong to an etnic minority any more than I now think that a man should reach a position of power because he is a man.

  8. YES !! Who exactly is the Fascist party now in the UK - it's NEW LABOUR !! They have stronger racially based policies than the BNP, the hypocrites !!

  9. d**n right they are.  So if you are a white male dont bother going through the expense of getting a better education as you probably wont get the job due to self loathing politicians.

    Maybe this is the goverments way of bolstering the falling army recruitment numbers; after all where else will us white guys get a good paid job.

  10. It's been going on for years under this Government.

    The mate and I both filled in application forms for a job with the local County Council back in 1999.

    Both had exactly the same qualifications, education, experience, etc.

    He did it as himself, I did it as a female from an ethnic group.

    Guess who got invited for an interview and who received a reply saying his qualifications were not high enough.

  11. Yes, its very wrong.

    The police already do it - straight, white British males have little chance of being accepted due to their "diversity" targets.  This is discriminatory.

    People should be selected for a job on their ability not their race, nationality, s*x etc.  Anything else is just blatant discrimination.

  12. Depends on the criteria on which they have based their decisions. If it's a matter of favouring women & ethnic minorities for the sake of favouring them, then it is sexist against men and the indiginous population. If it's a matter of addressing fairness in equal pay, & equal opportunities denied them in the past, then I am all for it.

    I've always believe that what the Americans call "Affirmative Action" was a bad move - not only does it stir up resentment, but it's insulting to those who have been "affirmed", to have special treatment instead of being treated with respect on merit.

    But if we really did live in a meritocracy then women wouldn't be paid up to 40% less than their male counterparts as it says in the article, and we all know that institutional racism is a pervasive stink in the corridors some corporations, despite much progress being made in the last decade. I am fairly sure there will be a few posts to confirm many people's lack of enlightenment on the subject of race on this page.

    The new Equalities Bill seeks to favour minorities and women "IN THE EVENT OF A TIE". How this new bill will be implemented by companies and the public sector will be determined by the definition of "A Tie", a loose subjective term that will be open to abuse by both sides, I am sure.

    Presently, there are many cases where a much more highly qualified women or minority candidate is passed over for promotion or denied a job in favour of the lighter-toned male. It happens a lot. Addressing this problem in a fair and sensitive way needs a new Bill like this.

    So is it sexist and racist? Only if you abuse this new Bill, and only if you discount the shameful facts about our own society, and ignore the historical significance of the male dominated and exclusive world of commerce and high civil service.

  13. I never though the day would come, that in theory (hopefully not in practice) that I, being a British White Male would one day become a second class citizen in my own country.

    Does not the fact that my family have lived, worked and fought for this country for countless generations not mean anything anymore.

    I am all for fairness in all aspects of life, no matter what Age, s*x, Race or Religion anyone may be, but when you discriminate against one s*x and race of people in favour of another by law and take away any form of personal choice, you are opening a can of worms, that you may not be able to shut again.

  14. Yes, but that's the idea of the Zionist supremacists  behind them -to help  undermine the fabric of every gentile society - divide and  rule.

    find out who the real masters are

  15. Of course it is, Giving advantage for any reason other than ability or experience should be against the law.

  16. Yes they are - new labour is the party for racist policies.

  17. more "nanny state " - it can never work , as if even there are two people with exactly the same qualifications and experience ( how likely is that ? )  it will also must depend on personality as well .Nobody wants to employ someone who they feel wont fit in ....

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