
Are the old el paso seasoning mixes vegetarian?

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Or the kits?

i love them but i am on my way to becomeing vegetarian/vegan. Anybody know?




  1. yes they are the kits although I think that there is some form of meat

  2. Read the ingredients list!

  3. I do believe they are, for the most part. However, you should check with PETA to see if those are considered okay to eat because if you wanna be a true vegetarian/vegan, you also need to take into account the way the animals are treated by the companies you buy from (you should NEVER buy anything from a company that tests on animals, or is known for their mistreatment of them - you'd be shocked to know many of your favorites are not good companies). If you have a myspace account, you can find them there as well. I think their site is, just write to anyone from THEM and ask for help. I'm pretty sure they have a facebook account, so you will be able to find them everywhere.

    Good luck, and have fun looking for and finding new information on the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle.

  4. I think they are, but I would read the ingredients.  Any animal-derived ingredient would be clearly labeled, like "beef stock."

    I actually find it easier and less expensive to mix my own seasoning.  I use chili powder, paprika, black pepper, and garlic salt.

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