
Are the olimpics really fair to all countries?

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We have mega power countries that have all resources compiting against small countries that have no chance to win as many medals as those big developed countries, they may as well only include, Russia,China,Japan,Europe and U.S.A. and forget about the rest of the world,...if any small country wins a a big deal!!! and those big countries are never happy with 50 or more medals, In my opinion is a big disbanlace,some caribbean island only play basebal and boxing,and they gona get rid of baseball next olimpics, baaaah




  1. Ireland won 3 golds in a single Olympics in the swimming back in 2000, we were called into disrepute because the states and china were fairly beaten.  We got our medals pulled from us.  In the boxing for the semi finals this Olympics our best hope for gold paddy barnes from my home town of Belfast wasn't given a single point when he clearly scored at least 7 points.  The score came in 15-0, he admitted himself he was clearly beaten by the better fighter but knew the score wasn't fair.  If it wasn't for the Irish boxing squad in the Olympics the rest of the world may as well give themselves a pat on the back and hand out medals like candy.  So yeah! the Olympics isn't fair.

  2. I'm sure Jamaica agrees with you.

  3. There has always been this imbalance ever since the modern Olympic movement started. It is not, I agree, fair to all countries, but how do you solve that problem without creating even more problems instead?

    If you include every sport that anyone has ever heard of or subsidise the entry of the athletes of smaller countries to the games, the Olympic games would go on for ever and become even more prohibitively expensive than they already are now.

  4. First:  It's spelled Olympics.

    Second:  Life isn't always fair.

    Third:  What's your solution to the so-called problem?

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