
Are the olympics driving you to drink?

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Are the olympics driving you to drink?




  1. absolutely, but what excuse can I use for the rest of the year>lol

  2. No,i love watching the judo.

  3. No, not drink but it sure isn't helping my insomnia

  4. Nope, that's the designated driver's job.

  5. nah, i like the boxing, and the martial arts competitions. i even watched the swimming on a bored morning!  

  6. You shouldn't let the olympics rule your life. You should be sole-decision maker of your own life and make the right decisions without being hyped up about just a single event.

    Hope that helps

  7. No Why?

  8. *sips Gin & Tonic*


    *sips Gin & Tonic*


    *sips Gin & Tonic*


    no, not at all :-) whatever makes you think that?

  9. I watch them everyday with a good drink.

  10. if you hate it so much why do you watch it?  

  11. Yes, I have been drinking more than twice the amount of coffee these last two weeks just to stay up late and watch the re-runs.  

  12. A lady once drove me to drink - but I never had the courtesy to thank her!

  13. no i walk to the pub

  14. no !!!!

  15. theres nothing like the crack of a fresh natty light at 5am in the morning to watch badminton

  16. no why would they

  17. I just love them !

  18. No I don't drink but they are causing me to not watch tv.

  19. yes..oh hang on..i drank before...

  20. well Dave since we are losing to the US do not drink. we will get back at the yanks at their own game one day. That will be great.

  21. they are just unbelievably boring

  22. No, i walk there.  

  23. yes!

    I guess people can no longer have their own opinion, without being judged...

  24. Because I am missing Eastenders!!

  25. No i just do not watch them

    seriously? 4 frickin thumbs down **** off b*****s!!!

  26. no

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