
Are the papparazzi who where there while Princess Diana was dying...?

by Guest33642  |  earlier

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the lowest scum on earth?

sorry but who can just stand there and take photographs of some one dying and no try to help.??




  1. Well they were french! I'm not a diana fan but for sure i would of helped  her as much as i could, not let her take her last breaths with my camera in her face poor woman. I think some sort of natural "help them" feeling would of shot through me, something those nasty men didnt have.

  2. No, pedophiles are the worst scum on earth.

  3. You know I find no humanity in those people at all.  Just vicious dogs!  I befuddles me how anyone can stand and snap photos while another human being is truly in need.  What ever happened to the good Samaritan act?  That's where you help someone of your own free will regardless if you're properly trained or not.  We all know the difference between right and wrong.   They should be ashamed of themselves.  This is something they will have to live with for the rest of their lives and in due time will be haunted by it, and rightly so.

  4. It is low, yes.

    Then again, the public feeds the frenzy of celebrity and one "good" shot of a famous person can reach anywhere between a quarter to a full million dollars.

    Do you really think they're thinking about the person and what is happening to them while they're hunting for their "money shot"?

    One shot and they're set for life.

    I doubt 99 % of us would turn that one down. It's very easy to be judgmental when one is not put in that position.

  5. scum bags they are

  6. Yes, they are!

  7. yes they where there when Diana was dying!(2)

    But the law in Europe Say's this!! you have to give assistant by a accident,if there is a possibility to give;if not you have to stay there till the medical assistant(ambulance)is there, to give those man or women; information they need!those two man where found and punished for not given help!AL the pictures where confiscated by the police and released by them.some are still matters of the justice department for research!

  8. Yea that is horrible.

  9. Yes, it was low, very low.  But we are all told not to administer medical assistance unless we are trained.  And, we do not know if they did try to assist.  Paparazzi are driven by greed, perhaps if they did not receive excessive compensation for those photos that so many eagerly await?

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