
Are the people conscious about the ecosystem?

by Guest57074  |  earlier

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Are the people conscious about the ecosystem?




  1. yes

  2. If people did care would you be asking this question?

  3. Ha Ha Ha

    .. ... ..

    People do not give a c**p what is happening as long as it is not effecting them

    .. .. ..

    The only time anyone will be concerned is when it effects them personally and then

    ------ "all h**l will break loose" -----

    in Hollering and screaming.

    .. ...

  4. No where near

    judging by the answers and questions here

    i have been here for 3 years ,and it is astonishing how uninformed and ignorant the American public is,

    compared to European kids as far as the eco system and the interrelationships between species of flora and fauna are concerned

    People here ask questions such as-

    why do we have  mosquitoes ?

    or why do we need nature

    really unbelievable .

    So NO the general public has no clue

  5. no,more than 95% of the world's population are not concerned about the declining ecosystem

  6. Nope

  7. Not everyone because of the lack of education.

  8. just i know my self, i do.

  9. Yes they are. They are also quickly becoming aware that AGW is B.S.

  10. Personally I don't think many people are conscious of it. And whether they care.  There are many kinds of ecosystem relating to where you are and what environment you are looking at or asking about.

    Not many people even know what an ecosystem is. Although in the last 20 or so years more and more people are showing an interest but how often do you ask someone if they know what it is or not? or if they even know anything about it?

    I don't supose they are conscious of it, owing to the fact that if they were don't you think that they would keep it in good health, and not destroy the lands for comerce and power?

    everything makes up one living thing, and this one living thing is the earth. And oweing to the fact that we are destroying it,  nobody is concsious and nobody really cares. there are a few who really do try but they are tiny amounts of people compared to the rest of the world who act like they don't give a d**n.

    nothing offensive

    personal oppinion.

  11. Eco system is the surrounding in which one live.

    No people are not at all consious about the ecosystem

    Every year thousands of tigers ,elephants are killed invariably disturbing the balance.

    each year tons of hazardous wastes are dumped in rivers and  not according to the rules.

    Harmful gases/green house gases are emitted which have made a hole in the ozone layer wider.

    Leading to global warming

    Nuclear tests are done which have a disastrous impact on every thing!

  12. Some people are.

  13. some who know the present hapennings of the world like we students and some other people know

  14. I figure that someone who has even heard the word "ecosystem" is ahead of the pack. Probably, not one in a hundred thousand could define it properly. It's a pity that Ecology is not a required course all the way through school. Notice that I said "Ecology", not "Environmental Science". An environmentalist is not necessarily an ecologist.

  15. Nope. only a handful of people are.

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