
Are the people of London a bunch of raging alcoholics?

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Why else would they feel the need to bring alcohol on the tube trains which has resulted in a ban of alcohol on tube trains.;_ylt=Au4hr_VGC2rRIAeQOG4ccs9vaA8F




  1. No they are not ALL raging alcoholics.

    Its just some peoples opinion, since TV and the media portray this image to other countries around the world.

  2. No, only those that drink to much to often.

  3. No, they're not all raging alcoholics. That's a stereotype.... that's like saying all Americans are idiots.

    Just don't hang around in pubs.

  4. It's a bit of false logic.  It's like saying that all youngsters who go to Cancun are alcoholics.

    There's a difference between liking to drink socially, and being an alcoholic.

    True alcoholics tend to drink a lot by themselves, at inappropriate times.

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