
Are the people on the leaderboard of the anthropology forum more evolved than the rest of us?

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Evidence please.




  1. No, I've just lived longer than most & remember chasing the neandertals out of my cave.

  2. no they drag their knuckles....ggrrrrr!!

  3. Visit them in person and you will find out that they are not.

    In every population there are big ones and little ones, fast ones and slow ones, smart ones and dumb ones. In the end it all evens out. That is how natural selection really works.

  4. Not really. Fonder of chocolate than the rest of you? Probably.

  5. Yes, I'm a giant, with a second head sprouting out from my left shoulder!

  6. Only the Evolutionists deary

  7. LOL

    (Tongue-in-cheek response below)

    My guess is that the answer is no. But I am not sure what is meant by 'evolved'.  Progress is not an evolutionary concept.  If you mean 'more fit' than we could only find out by asking them their age, how many viable children they've produced, etc, etc.  

    If you are asking whether they are more likely to be selected-for - well, I don't really agree that selection is anything but a ecological weeding-out process (i.e. what we call 'progress' has nothing to do with evolution unless you believe that cultural selection is the same as natural selection - I do not), so to make a long story short, the fact that they are alive suggests that they have not been selected against. However, so, are the rest of us, I think... so the answer would likely be 'no'

    If you are asking whether they are more like what our species will be like in the distant future (assuming that our species will exist at all in hat future), only time will tell.  Let's ask again in, say, half a million years and see if we are any closer to an answer.

  8. Tera, Tera, Tera. If you knew anything about evolution you would know this question is very ill posed.

    Evolution is a " branching bush " of a process. Not progressive, directional, or having any goal in mind.

    Evidence. ( click on evolution )

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