
Are the people who believe in AGW the same people who think man evolved from ape?

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Both are completely ridiculous!




  1. Yeah. We're the ones who read.

  2. Yes most AGW believers probably also believe in evolution.  

    The reverse isn't true, people who are scientifically minded realise that AGW is a highly speculative theory or a faith based belief.  There is no science in getting a group of people together and taking a vote on what to believe.

  3. No, but those who believe in AGW are the same that believe there's life on other planets.

    There is no way anyone "knows" life exist any where but here on Earth, yet they substitute their believes for knowledge.

  4. Not sure about that, but they are the same people who cry to the government when their boy friend breaks up with them. They are the same people who need the governments approval to drive to the local store and buy bread.

  5. Probably most do adhere to the scientific prove of evolution. However it should be noted educated people who understand evolution know that we did not evolve from ape but that the apes are actually a branch stemming from a more distant relative.

  6. I would guess then, you are a follower of semi-inteligent design or the full on old guy with the long flowing robes and white beard who's real name can't be spoken who build worlds in seven days, no not Slartybardfast!

    I think it might be time to hand back the "Dr" part of your I.D.

  7. Your questions are really starting to get quite silly.

    Dr Jello, it is fairly certain there is life some were out there, but intelliget life is another matter, based on many of the questions seen here, it is possible intelligent life might not even exist on this planet in large numbers.

  8. In a word: Yes!

    Not only do I believe humans evolved from apes, I believe humans are apes. More specifically, we're members of the species homo sapiens in the family Hominidae (great apes).

  9. time for you to see a Dr. Mr Smith. a real doctor who knows how to spell anthropogenic.

  10. Man didn't evolve from ape (only those who've have never actually studied evolution think it teaches that), they share a common ancestor.

    But overlooking that error, I assume you must be referring to scientists.  And in that case the answer would be yes, scientists who understand and accept AGW typically also understand and accept evolution.  Both are theories with considerable amounts of evidence supporting them.  Sadly, it requires significant effort and time for a person to study them and understand them appropriately, thus most people really don't have a good grasp of either theory.

  11. .\\...... DR. SMITH .... We finally meet!!......I am not familiar with your theory on  " AGW" , ,,This term eludes me.,,,,,However, Doctor, ,,.  I do believe man evolved from APE.......// ...Surely you must agree...//

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