
Are the people who believe in global warming they same people who believe the Holocaust never happened?

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Are the people who believe in global warming they same people who believe the Holocaust never happened?




  1. That's absurd and completely unsubstantiated.  Are you trying to imply that more intelligent, educated people don't believe in the Holocaust?  Where would you get that?

  2. tsk tsk...child, time to go to bed.

  3. Not sure. They are the ones who sit around hugging trees and praying to gaia. Or, they expound upon the virtuse of the dictators of the world. These are the same people who say they are for the poor, but enact policies designed to keep poor people poor. This same group also have caused the death of millions by banning DDT. This same group of people thought Hitler was a really great guy at first, then they thought he was just misunderstood. These are the people who think communist nations are really great and would move their if only those countries had running water for the people.

    Basically, the people who believe in AGW are the leftist anti-business  knot heads.

  4. It would be much more sure that they are from the same group who would like to see the Holocaust forgotten!

  5. Ken - It was Bob a few months ago, aka "Baghdad Bob."

    Whatever his name is, I prefer Baghdad Bob, he is a propagandist.

  6. could be.

  7. Most likely the people who don't believe in global warming are the same people who believe the holocaust never happened, man never landed on the moon, and evolution doesn't exist.  

    Most people people believe scientists actually try to help society, and can read and evaluate material objectively.  Many of these people that have concluded that AGW is a real threat to our civilization.

    Here is some scientific info for you to look at from the US National Academy of Sciences.  They seem to think it is a problem that needs attention.

  8. No, but I think they are the same people who believe that the death toll went from 6M to 7M over the past 60 years.

  9. Why did you change your identity again? Do you really think anyone will believe you're actually a "Dr."?  You were Dr. Smith just a week ago.

    The Holocaust happened and global warming is happening.  I'm confident of both because there is ample evidence for both.  Anyone trying to equate the 2 topics like you are, must simply be uninformed about both history and science.

  10. I think that the only ones that believe that the Holocaust did not happen are those that are Muslim, or listen to them.

  11. My fellow and esteemed Doctor - The answer is quite possible yes.

    No doubt that global warming believers submit to "Star Trek" science where people will be able to break the speed of light and aliens are abundant on other planets as science just has to be believed, and no proof needs to be proffered.  And as long as there's enough other people who believe with you, then that make the science a sure thing as now there is a consensus.

    Global warming believers also follow the belief that George Bush blew up the world trade centers and the pentagon.  Also many of them belong to Bigfoot sighting clubs and look for UFO's on weekends.

  12. No.  That's ridiculous.

  13. thats an absurd non sequitur.

    a better question might be "are the folks who dont believe in global warming the same folks who believe jesus is gonna float down on a cloud in 2012 and beam up all the good folks?"

    by the way- have you stopped beating your wife?

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