
Are the police allowed to search your glove compartment and trunk if they catch you speeding?

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or do they need a warrant?

and why do you have to step out of your car when all your papers legit !?




  1. You have to give them consent to search your vehicle.  If the officer feels you need to step out of the vehicle, cooperate.  Respect them from the start and be honest and they will return the respect.

  2. they might of thought you had something illegal in the car.thats why they searched your car. the only way though is if they have propable cause  but im no expert  the reason for making you step out was probably cause the officer was being a prick

  3. It depends on the cirumstances.

    If there is a proable cause, yes they may.

    if they just want to do it without any cause, they can do it but anything they find, can not be used against you in court, due to the search being illegal.

  4. They ask you if they can search the car.  If you say no, they will make you wait while they get a warrant.  It's just easier for you as an "innocent" person to say yes.  If you gave them any indication of a yes type of answer then it was totally legal without the warrant.

    They had you step out of your car for safety purposes.  They suspected you of something and wanted to ensure that you would not shoot them or try to run.

    They might suspect of you of something due to the way you dressed that day, the way you were acting, the type of car (if it was tricked out), or even the speed that you going.  Also, your vehicle may have looked similar to another vehicle whose driver is a known druggie/dealer.

    So, what did they find?

  5. they ought to have asearch warrant, anything less should be considered an invasion of privacy.

  6. The only way they are LEGALLY allowed to search your glove compartment and/or trunk is if the person gives consent.

    If the person does NOT give consent, they are required to obtain a search warrant.  Now, if they see anything illegal (plain view doctrine), they are allowed to search what is in the officer's view.

    The reason they have the person step out of the vehicle is for the officer's safety.

  7. Yes if they have probable cause & if they don't have probable cause they'll make up a BS reason to search your car.

  8. You are removed for the officers safety if you are acting funny or a lot of young people or if it is dark for examples.

    They can come up with any reason to search your car.

    If asked and you say no, they can and will get a warrant.

  9. only if you say they can or you look funny to them.... they dont need much of anything.... did they ask you if they could.. they ask yo uto step out to keep you from driving off so fast.... either you look or the car look funny most of the time you have to sit in the car and dont get out....guess you should drive better will be stop less

  10. In some states, by driving on public roads, you are consenting to have your car searched if a police officer has probable cause.  This search can include locked personal areas such as your glove compartmnent or briefcase.  If you don't open these things when asked to do so by the officer, he/she can impound the car and have a locksmith open them.  Nice, don't you think?

  11. They are able to search the interior of your vehicle several ways.

    1. If they see something illegal in plain view, for example, drugs, drug pipes, weapons and so on.  If this happens, more then likely you would be arrested first and searching your car would be obvious.

    2. If they have probable cause.  If they smell marijuana, alcohol, their training and experience allows them to further their scope of the search and look into your vehicle.

    3. You or someone in your vehicle is on probation or parole with search terms.

    4. You simple give consent for them to search your vehicle.  If you allow them then don't complain.

    That also goes for them asking you to step out of the vehicle.  Only the officer knows what his/her intentions are when they ask you to step out of the vehicle but each situation is a case by case decision on the driver's part to comply.  If they order you out, I would go along with the officers directives.  If at anytime you feel the stop or the officers actions were unjustified, simple comply with the officer and when the situation is over, ask to speak to a supervisor.

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