
Are the poor peoples really poor?

by Guest67071  |  earlier

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...because I've seen some having better handphones,clothings...etc,than the middle class tax payers.

any comments?




  1. ^

    there are some really poor ones...

    there are some dont know really poor or not..

    there's once i rode delima bus back to malacca from spore..passing johor.

    i saw a cluster of 20-30 wooden houses, most of them were in pretty bad condition..

    then i saw little kids playing sand just beside their houses..

    ohh poor thing,maybe they're not fortunate enough to buy some toys...or so i thought..

    but wait..

    then i noticed that every wooden house..including the bad condition ones have ASTRO.

  2. That's why we need to pay Zakat & Fitrah ... a small amount of money to help the needy through Baitulmal ...

    *orang miskin tak boleh dimanja .. just bantu sedikit .. if not they will be very lazy ...

  3. ha..ha..ha..  simi.. first  do you know the definition of poor ?  you think that poor means living in a hut type houses, surrounded by stray dogs, and some torn cloths hanging, and some pots in a corner with a country firewood ...ok.ok.. and you are comparing this hand handphones, clothing and a middle class tax payers.. you know that the so called as i described poor are having better handsets, televisions, clothings etc.,and only they not a tax payers.. surprisingly you don't know they are having well house and rented..not all but by many..

    people living in middle class are the worst sufferers and to say they may proud that they are middle class but the rich and affluent too sufferers and their sufferings are in separate category which could not be eloborated,

    but, simi the poor people are not really poor, since they have all help from the govt and masters and availing full facility of life and they educate their children and running a successful life than the middle class and rich..and in fact, the name middle is a real middle.. no poor  and  no  rich..suffering in the middle  and therrefore,  as you say the poor you say is not a poor.

  4. some of them yes....really poor.. but not all people that we watch in bersama mu (TV3) is really poor...

  5. if got such things, still okay la... not that poor..

    u come to sabah and i'll show you the meaning of poor.


    letstalk now, that is what u see in 'bersamamu'. try come to sabah and watch urself... even worst..

  6. if anyone affording such a life style and living like a royal then how could you say them poor people.

    poor or rich its all depend upon the coming income ratio and outgoing expenditure ratio for anyone. and its art to balance in between them. and if anyone succeeded in this matter , then he cannot called poor. if the middle class tax payer could not balance in ratio between their income, saving , expenditure then you can say the middle class poor people beside them who say you poor people.

  7. No, there are not in the category of poor peoples.

  8. isk..isk...


  9. it's depends to how poor it is.............

  10. why do the middle class always complain about not having enough money?

    in australia middle class people with cars and houses and nice clothes and plasma televisions and superannuation complain about welfare to indigenous australians. but many indigenous australians suffer high rates of infant mortality, have a lower life expectancy, have less education and poorer health.

    if you think that the poor are not poor maybe you should try living with them and living like them for a while

  11. yes.. they are indeed getting poorer and the rich getting richer and mid class is getting no way..

  12. ler.... its up to them ler. having better handphones doesnt mean living a better life. nowadays, handphones, even cars are necessities...we dont call them rich for having that stuff. i go to 'feed the homeless' program most of my weekends, we even chuckled among us volunteers if we saw a couple homeless apeks wearing shiny gold rolex with a shiny gold N70.....its all imitationla guys, and the phone, ever seen a china made one? exactly reallll lioww!.. dont believe everything u see...

    its the 'not-so-poor' ppl taking advantages over them (the poor ppl) that been pissin me off...

  13. I have few friends who came from very2 poor family.

    Imagine living with RM400 salary per month to feed 4 young children and a wife.

    Monthly basis, the husband need to pay RM 150 for renting and

    RM50 for motorbike loan.

    Leaving RM200, that will go for electricity and water bill,

    baby diapers and milk, kindergarden fee and food for family.

    Two of their children suffering thalasemia but only one of them receiving treatment due to financial problem.

    Sometimes, handphones and clothes they use were given by people who concern and try to help them in a way they can.

    I do buy nice clothes for their children when comes Hari Raya.

    I have extra to spend, why can't I share it with the one who need and be happy doing it?

  14. Some of them yes..

  15. Please define poor?

  16. one time i went one borneo kan.. along the way .. i think nearby la... i saw a lot rumah setinggan .. my dad said kan its poor people cuz they dont have houz n money they have to build houz there.... n they dont get electricity and clean waer... n they also hard to go school.. cuz its like relli far from bandar... its relli pity la looking at them... its like they being treated so bad by the govt .. yes they can work.. they sure can improve living but seriously.. they been working they azz off n get relli low wages.. some poor people r like illeterate they doont go high education what can they do? the govt wont help them go school how to improve living? yes they have leg n hands but .. what wok they can do? buruh kasar?

    some poor people u saw ... they dont have to pay tax ..bills.. or houz payment.. cuz they rumah setinggan la.. i have friend like that one... thats y la dont judge people by its cover oni.... nowaday ah... u can see rich people wearing like poor people oso

  17. they act like they are poor..

    to get other sympathy.. maybe???

    PEACE =D

  18. idk..too subjective..

    but not all RICH people are me.. ;)

    p/s: i hate this quote "biar papa asal bergaya" poodahh~

  19. ofcourse! for middle class atleast for the society they are living, they have to spend. for poor people eventhough they are with headphones,clothes they will not bother if they don't have . won't follow any diginity. whereas taxpayers they will follow         

  20. lets say the poor peoples r a bit more hungry than u if they need to pay the

  21. No comment. Just can't comment on this topic. Some are true poor people. But there is some act to be poor.

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