
Are the pretty colors you see around sunset because of global warming?

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You know, sometimes you see neat colors in the sky because of pollution, can this be extended to global warming also?




  1. ...but to answer the part of the question you asked...

    Not in the way you're asking.  Particles in the air are the cause of both of these events -- multi-colored sunsets and global warming.

    As the particles in the air increase, (not all pollution is human-made -- some is from volcanoes, some is just dust.) interesting looking sunsets and global warming will most likely increase with them, but the sunsets and warming are neither one the cause of the other, only the end results.

    Weird tidbit:  While the typical sunset one will see over a modernized area like, say, Los Angeles, is shades of orange, red and magenta, I'm told that volcanoes have a very different effect.  Green sunsets have been reported after big volcanic eruptions, so the type of pollution greatly effects the color of the sky when the sun drops down and shines through lots of it.

  2. No according to people who believe in such things, global warming only causes apocolyptic things like the earth blowing up, canabalism, floods famine and proliferation of poison ivy, acid rain, war, hurricanes and spontaneous ice ages.

  3. no, i don't think so, global warming gives no sigh of anything like that.

  4. i think yes, but we dont sure.... i guess, this question deserve to be ask to global warming scientist................

  5. Nope.  There were pretty sunsets during the Little Ice Age, too.  There are plenty of paintings from the period to prove it.

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