
Are the priorities of the present administration misguided?

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For instance: The threat of terrorism is more important than the real and present problem of illegal drug use. Is this the way it should be? The government's war on drugs is more of a problem than the drugs.




  1. A few problems with the Bush Administraion:

    1.Invasion of a country that never attacked us.

    2.Legalization of Torture


    4.Suspension of Habeas Corpus

    5.Politicization of the Justice Dept (pursuant to Election Fraud)

    6.Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame

    7.Abuse of Executive Privilege to block congressional oversight and the balance of power

    watch some c-span, you'll see them admit to all these claims.  for example, youtube search 'Leahy Gets Very Angry'.  You'll see interim Attorney General Bradley Schlozman defending his meddling in elections.  He's such a little punk -installed after the firings of the 9 US attorneys including David Iglesias who was Tom Cruises' character in A Few Good Men.  Watch it, you'll be amazed at how bad things have gotten.  Can you handle the truth?!?

  2. Yes for the reason that Army Engineers or Civilian Demolition Experts could demolish airports which make terrorism more easy and stop Global Warming.  As to wars on drugs if more people were to sell books out of cars or self hypnotize themselves into a good mood a free substitute to drugs could be had. Other point the problem is not the drugs themselves but that people sell them. If they did not no problem as selling drugs is why the arrests.  

  3. I do not see the President giving speeches and interviews explaining the WHY of what we are doing and what our goals are.  The media would have the be forced to show it but he is not there.  Now he is a lame duck and it is even worse.  He did a lot of good things but could not give a good speech that would get the country behind him.  The Democrat have been terrible in supporting the good things he has done to protect us almost treasonous but certainly seditious.

    Scooter Libbie did not expose V. Plane  d**k Armatige did and it was not a crime (notice he did not get charged) She was not under cover and was out of the agency over 5 years.  Oh Carter did expose the station chief in Athena and he was murdered the next day.  

    Bush did not suspend Habeas Corpus (where's the body if you did not know what that meant). Enemy combatants have never been afforded that right in our 230 years.  It was a change made by the court with out precedent!   He did go to the UN for the continuation of the first Iraqi conflict.  Oh Clinton did not go to Congress or the UN to attack Serbia.  But again liberals say they hate war but if it is their boy the really love killing.  

    p.s. Those 9 attorneys general were not doing their jobs.  Again you had no problem when Clinton's Janet Reno fired all of the attorneys general and replaced them with Clintonestas.

    You could not be any more wrong!

  4. Unfortunately, although this administration's policies are certainly misguided in the war on terror, the war on drugs goes back to the mid-1950's.  The branches of government involved in "fighting" this war have grown so entrenched that it is unlikely that they, like the IRS, will ever be disbanded.  No one wants to look at the results of this war, the waste of billions of dollars, the failure to put even a small dent in the usage of drugs, the money spent incarcerating millions of people under drug charges.  The American people will continue to believe the propaganda produced by these organizations, not because they really believe it will stop drugs, but because they do not want to give up their power and money.  They also will not acknowledge the amount of power they have given to drug producing and selling organizations, something which is close to bringing law and order in Mexico and along the border to a complete end.

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