
Are the recruiting places for the army and navy open sundays?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Usually nope, they do have answering machines though.

  2. Not normally, though it can probably be arranged for you.

  3. No they keep regular work hours,which is monday through friday 8 to 5.Closed saterday and sunday.

  4. no not likely but you could arrange so you would be able to go there for what ever you wanted to do.

  5. I would call the recruiting station closest to you and ask.  When my husband was working with a recruiter their office was open 7 days a week.  At our last Post the local recruiting station was open 7 days a week as well.  That does not mean however that all locations do.  Some may only work on Sundays based on appointments.  I do not know about Navy so I would just suggest the same them and ask.

  6. Usually no; however, if you talk with a recruiter prior too the Sunday you want to show up they can probably meet with you.  If you stop by the recruiting office and it is closed pick up the many business cards you will see.  All of them list the recruiters work cell phone number.  Call them, if they are not available they won't answer.  If they answer the phone then you are on you way.

    Good Luck

  7. if they're in the office it'll only be for a few hours. you'd probably want to make the appt. before.

  8. Generally, no.

    But they have call  forwarding usually.

    If you call this evening you can probably arrange a sunday appointment.

  9. I wish I worked 8-5 Monday through Friday.

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