
Are the remaining african tribespeople's brains less evolved than ours?

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The self-surficient african tribes who click when they speak, do you think they think about deep things like the rest of the world?

Could we see a difference between our brains and skulls?

Are they more primitave than us?

Its amazing to think that we are all one species living at the same time in history yet while some of us are studying planets billions of lightyears away, others are hunting zebras and cracking open mellons! It's mind-boggeling!




  1. Miriam Makeba had a huge hit with "Pata Pata" in the 1960's. She sang in the Xhosa click language. You can see a video of one of her performances here:  Just a tip: Don't miss her duet with Paul Simon, the link will be on this page.

    The Africa Guide is a comprehensive resource to find out about the great and beautiful continent of Africa. Their homepage is here:

    Here's a link to the picture gallery:

    Here are some of the groups and tribes of Africa:

    Some anthropologists believe that yet another lost tribe of Israel may exist in the Lemba tribe of South Africa (this is in addition to the tribe of Falasha Jews of Ethiopia):

    We know, of course, that the greatest library and center of learning the world will ever know was African. It would be destroyed by white Europeans. That was the library at Alexandria.

    Most Christians believe that the life of Jesus was spared as an infant when his earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, fled with him into Africa.

    One of the greatest and most powerful civilizations in history were the Moors who crossed over from Africa to conquer Spain and Portugal where they ruled for hundreds of years. One website on this subject begins, "The same degree of intellect and learning was brought by the Moorish conquerors of the Iberian peninsula to Portugal.  Like Spain, that country was to be culturally influenced by the Moors." You can read more here:

    Today's Spain and Portugal, their language, architecture and culture still bear the influence of these Africans.

    Over three thousand years ago there were two important developments in West Africa: long distance trade, and the ability to manipulate stone, clay and metals to sophisticated degree.

    Against this background, there arose a number of kingdoms and empires starting in the 5th century through to the 16th century. Common to each of these great empires was extensive trans-saharan trade with the North, large standing armies and an effective system taxation.

    In the 13th century Mali rose under the leadership of the Malinke Sundiata to become renowned throughout the Arab world for its wealth and learning.

    Learn more here:

    The Smithsonian Institution states on their African Voices website, "Africa's history and peoples have profoundly influenced global culture and thought - and continue to do so today. America's own past and present are strongly linked to Africa. In this web site explore objects that attest to

    Africa's striking diversity and long history. Listen as Africans talk about their lives and cultures. Discover your connections to Africa."  LINK:

    They aren't kidding. It is widely accepted by scientists that fossil evidence shows the birthplace of the human race is to be found in Africa. So in that sense we are, all of us, Africans.

    You mention that "some of us" are studying planets billions of light years away. You must have been referring to the  South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) :

    And you like to crack open melons? I think this website might be of interest to you (it's everything you ever wanted to know about melons):

  2. one has to exercise there brain to keep it in good working order, in the remote arias of Africa, and indeed in some arias in south America, the natives are hunter gatherers, they don't use the part of there brain that would be used by first world citizens, to construct space ships, and worry whether the public transport is running on time.

    therefor, we know that they are backward in many aspects of life as we know it,  but! given the right education they can become very intelligent, and become doctors, scientists, and surgeons,  which would suggest there brain wouldn't be less evolved, than yours or mine.   That is if I have one

  3. I swear sometimes I think we are evolving backwards.

  4. and also, those tongue clicking african tribes people...could possibly be incredibly smarter than most astrophysicists tryin' to study the universe....go figure.... a very belittling word

  5. Technically a african has a slightly thicker skull, so they have a somewhat smaller brain. Considering most people don't use much of their brain at all, it isn't much of a notable intelligence difference - if any at all.

  6. No its like the memory we have..we remember everything we see and hear and think it just not on the top of our minds. We could remember 10 times more than we do because we dont live long enough to fill it all. But yeah could be true but dont say it...people will take a lot of offence. Africans can be just as smart as Australians (the greatest people). And its the way they want to live, they may not care about the planet light years away but do care about the food dor there family.

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