
Are the republicans party really just n**i's of the 21 century ?

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I couldn't really tell from republicans lame convention last night where they were parading the swift boat vet's and only talking about their military plans for more wars ,where was the republicans policies on fixing this country economy ?




  1. Actually did you know Hitler and the n***s where socalists and Democrates are more like socalists than republicans. So basically no.

  2. Oh you mean the republicans rioting in the street. Oh no wait? Who are they? Great question though....Is this Michael Moore?

  3. lol u vhinner econmoy is fine next great leader has shoes that cost more then a volkswagen and 5/8 houses he knows of. Current great leader cant count that high. Exxon vill make even more money and pay less taxes next cycle. The judges are vaiting ready villing and able to appoint Jan McSame

    heil haliburton

  4. well, patch beat me to it, but he's right the n**i's were socialists. so put that in your pipe and smoke it. (but make sure Obama's not in the room when you do, or you'll have a funny taste in your mouth.)

  5. This question is a perfect example of the difference between republicans and democrats.  Democrats see what they believe.  Republicans believe what they see.  I didn't see anything that resembled war plans but if someone saw them it must have been in their mind.  Having a strong defense is preparation for being attacked.  The republican plan for fixing the economy is reduced spending.  The democrat plan for fixing the economy is backward.  We're not going to tax you they say we're just going to tax some businesses.  It won't effect you if you don't buy food, Clothing, or gasoline from a business.

  6. Well, many of their tactics over the years are straight from the n**i playbook:

    1. Consolidate your numerous opponents into one single enemy (terrorists and their sympathizers vs Jews and their sympathizers).

    2. When you lie, lie big and never admit a mistruth no matter how plainly it is exposed.

    3. Utilize fear and spectacle as a means of controlling the masses.

    And that's just the beginning...

    ADD-ON:  Patchouli: Despite the misleading name, the n***s were NOT socialists.  They fought with the socialists and communists regularly (both at the Reichstag and in the streets) and frequently claimed that Marxism was a Jewish scheme to enslave the Aryan race.

  7. You are right about what they talk about, but lets not stoop to the level of many of these repubs on here. Just because they label us as Terrorist, which we are not, does not mean we should call them n**i's. It is, however, very humorous to see how most of them go crazy when they get the same treatment they have been giving to us for months now. Of course, no matter who is taking the low road, it is still wrong to do so.

  8. ugh.  Stop spewing what you hear other people saying.  Try thinking for yourself.  When you do that, you'll need to take your head out of your..

  9. It feels like it. They sicken me with their wars and all the deaths. The love for money above all things. About how George And d**k have doubled their net worth due to oil and construction that have risen directly out of the killings in Iraq and Afghanistan. How can people not see this? Do they not watch the news? Do they not read the papers? Have they never spoken to anyone outside the US?  

  10. Like the n**i Socialist (read Democrat) Party?  You're more of a n**i than we are!  I can make far more comparisons of your Messiah to Hitler than John McCain.  

    If our convention was lame, yours was lamer, as I recall a week ago!  You were whining about how slow and uneventful it was.  How soon we forget!  We had a natural disaster postponing our activities, what's your excuse?

  11. No

    I think would belong to the Democrats.

    The way the attack all those who dare to disagree with them.

    Starting the way they turn on Lieberman.

    When a woman dare to be conservative (the horror) where they have to dig into her daughters life.

    You can't wait to smear her with Daily Cos making stuff up.  To pose questions can a woman be a mother and the Vice President and not ask if Obama can both be a father and the President.

    Please remember Soros the head of move dot org who gave notices to his fellow Jews to board the death trains. Who also was in on taking their property without regret.

    I should say you need to look in the mirror.

  12. are onto us, please don't tell the others.

  13. Palin was picked by the Counsil for National Policy, which is about as close to the n**i party as you can get in the US.    

  14. Republicans are so touchy, they dish out the most vile insults to dems but can't take it when it's given back. They call Obama a terrorists and it's ok?


  15. You couldn't tell from the convention because they weren't airing any of the arrests going on outside the convention walls.

  16. Nazism was an orgy of nationalistic self-glorification.  

  17. The n***s were leftists with a platform a whole lot closer to that of Obama than McCain.  Might want to study some history..

  18. Hmmm, who was it who just went over to Germany and gave a speech to 200,000 direct descendant of the n***s?

  19.   that is a really  i don't know why i'm trying to answer such a lame question.

  20. You might want to investigate that a little more. National socialists with their restricted trade, limited civil liberties, and socialized war economy against free enterprise capitalists who believe in limited government involvement. Yeah, they have so much in common. Really.  

  21. Your ignorance is appalling.

  22. No the democratic party is.

  23. Rather like the Democrats are the Marxists of the 21st century?  

  24. n**i's is a bit strong,The Republicans are happy with the economy,everything is going as scheduled,they want only two classes in this country,Rich and Poor.

  25. Stormtroopers? Nope

    Camps? Nope

    Fuhrer? Nope

    No I think you just plain hate them and want to apply a hateful label.

  26. I think that we need to all stop and respect each others political views even if we don't agree with them. Just because I don't like the views of the Republican party I still respect them and they believe that they are doing what is right for America as do we.  

  27. this is silly. no one wants to think that kind of thought about ANY pollitical party. perhaps reading in more detail about n***s would help you to see it's not anything like that at all. nor are Democrats Marxists...reading history books would be a great help to everyone who's looking at politics these days. it will tell you the mistakes we've made in the past and how to learn from them and improve in the future.  

  28. Yes, but they do it by claiming everyone else is a socialist.  Sneaky,   I know.

  29. Umm, the n***s were socialists.  

  30. You weren't listening you were busy smoking a bowl and getting cheetos in the kitchen...

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