
Are the republicans playing the victim card?

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When questions comes up about Palin and how she did not state the truth republicans attack the media calling them liberal. The talk radio and fox news is now using the victim card and crying about how the media will not let her lie.




  1. Victim??

    Didn't you see her punch Obama's face??

    I don't think Republicans want that.

    However, being a woman, I do want the media to treat her fairly.

  2. It if very rare that you see republican's playing up the victim card. It's usually dems that drop the race, religion, s*x card. Look at the big dem. on tv. Al Sharpton, a lot of dems that aren't Christian think rep. force religion on them, and most women that complain about unequal rights happen to be dems. Not to mention a lot of lowerclass people that are on gov. assistance are dems.

    The biggest person that plays the victim card is by FAR Micheal Moore, he is the biggest lib I know. He's so liberal that most democrats feel that he is a little bit out of touch.

  3. Yup. BOO-HOO, the liberal media is all against us, BOO-HOO

  4. Well, the republicans had to find SOME card to play.  They don't get to use the race card like Obama does.  

  5. Ummm what victim card?  

  6. I'm pretty sure that Osama rolled up the victim card, used it to snort some coke, put it in his pocket and then walked away with it...

    He's the last one that I saw with it (and you know how he is)...

  7. This is typical.  They blame the media, the "liberals",   claiming everybody who evaluates their ideas and doesn't agree with them as "biased".  Sometimes,  reporting accurately on what is happening is just reporting.  It if appears stupid or silly, it could mean it was a stupid or silly thing to do, not that it is biased.

  8. like playing the racw car  

  9. they are using all the cards they can, because that's all they have..............card tricks.

    Smoke and mirrors, and headline making VP picks........

    but at the end of the day........what did she say in her big speech?

    Hi, I'm Sarah Palin........Obama Sucks. me.

    Wow.......impressive.   In it's entire scope of stupidity.

    They got NOTHING in their quiver and they know it.

    Bristol is the best thing that happened to John McCain's campaign, because now he gets all the headlines at least.

    Voters still want Obama let them have their fun.   It will  be short lived.  

  10. Well yea, bullies don't like it when they are bullied back!

  11. No, but I think they are playing the dumbass card. It's kind of hard to tell though.

  12. Absolutely.  The Republicans will play whatever card they think will work, under whatever circumstances, regardless of the facts, because they have no scruples and they have no ideas on which to run.  

  13. Yeah, I know, and they played it right on top of our race card!

    So how does that work again, does race trump victim?

    Just kidding.  The republicans seem to have trouble keeping their stories straight and they hate it when the media calls them on it.

    Is the media biased?  Looks like it could be but I think the problem lies with their own policies, deceptive tactics and hidden agendas.

  14. What did she lie about?

  15. The POW card has PLAYED OUT

    We TIRED of LIES!


  16. Dont they always? They always find something to wine about. People just sayin Palin doesnt have the exp to be V.P and isnt Qualified enough either, They tried to say that was Demeaning to wemon. How the h**l does that have to do with women?

    Thats just saying, SHE Not all women, Just SHE doesnt have the right credintial to be V.P..

  17. same old GOP BS

  18. whatsa matter, don't like it when others use your trademarked tactics? tee hee hee.

    P.S. Go back to sleep lib.

  19. We are just taking your lead.  Obama played the victim card to get the nomination.  You are just pissed because we too it from you.

  20. Sources John!

    And make them creditable!

  21. Yes, yes they are. Because they have no other ammo to fight with.

  22. Why else do they keep replaying the POW sob story?


      Who is playing the victim card ? oh ya.. and the race card?

    Thr Truth Hurts... lol

  24. isn't that the norm for them?

  25. Yep.  

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