
Are the resident evil movies good?

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i like the games i wanna know are the movies good




  1. yeah,, i like em.. the first one was awesome

  2. They are if your into the type of movies that have a lot of blood and gore (personally I love em). Or if you like the zombie movies.

  3. No. 1 was really good.  No. 2 was ok.  No. 3 was them trying to squeeze 1 more drop, avoid at all cost..

  4. If you like the games you'll love the movies. I'm not normally a fan of zombie movies, but I love all the Resident Evil movies.  

  5. I liked them, but I have a thing for zombie movies.

    That's a great site to check out reviews and rating of movies.  

  6. I thought the first one was.  The other's didn't really do it for me.

  7. Sadly as it is with some trilogies, The Resident Evil movies are on a steady slope downward.

    The first one was great and nobody seemed to mind the lack of budget or really big names present in this film (i apologize to Mila Jonovich fans). It was a smash and left wanting to see more of Alice (whose name is never mentioned once in the film itself)

    The sequel brought in Jill Valentine in hopes of exciting fans of the game. As I am a huge fan of the game I was excited to finally see Jill make it to the big screen. I was however a little disappointed as Jill seemed to take a backseat to Alice and never really got the focus or attention she deserves.

    The 3rd installment just left me with so many questions. The main one being where the heck did Jill go? She was not in the film and nobody mentioned what had happened to her or the Angela. I hope that there is going to be a prequel or a spin off to answer this (even though it would be mega cheese, I want to know)

    All in all the movies were ok but you really need to be in the mood for a zombie movie and if you are there are much better titles out there.

  8. The first one is quite good. Suspenseful, nice special effects and very much in the spirit of the game.

    The second one was decent--more action than scares.  Again, very good effects and fight scenes.

    The third one...well, it had it's moments. Not many and most of them lifted from Damnation Alley. If you can rent it for a couple of bucks, go for it.

  9. ...check'em out...enjoyable and entertaining...

  10. Of course a question like this is very subjective.  I personally loved the games and played them all religiously.

    Having said that, I was very disappointed with the films, especially the two extra-woeful sequels that followed an already mediocre original that did not pay justice to the games at all.

  11. Yes!!

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