
Are the richer happier?

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Do you think rich people are happy because they don't have to worry about money issues, which is major stress in life? Do richer people have debts like we average people do? Do you think rich people look down on those who are less fortunate as them? Does money change people's behaviour esp for those who came from earning peanuts to earning loads. There is this woman who always moans about money and she earns way better than me and I always think to myself how could she have money problems when her kids have left home, she has a nice house, nice car etc but still manages to be broke. Do you think it's because her standard of life had grown with her income?




  1. I think we all have issues whatever are status in life is. I try not to judge others too much.

  2. The more income you have the better your lifestyle becomes.  Meaning she probably has a level of expectancy that she didn't have before and her needs are at a different level as well.  You make more, you spend more and expect more.  I believe happiness comes from relationships not money.. even though it certainly does help make life easier.

  3. Money can't buy you happiness. Look at how many people win the lottery and try to buy it and wind up broke.

  4. the richer may be happier, but they become consumed by the materialistic and shallow world of money.

    i'd personally rather be aware of others and be unhappy.  

  5. yes her standard of life had grown with her income - it is all about managing ur money because even the richest of the people go bankrupt and one more thing- when it comes to money, the more u r organized, more happy u will be coz it will help u in ur rainy days

  6. Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a much better class of misery. :-)

  7. money, yes money can make you happy with some of the stuff that you need them to for saw problem such as bill,food and etc, but really money doesn't make you happy all the time, alot of people when they get rich they will keep want more and more, for me i'll just say that money is not real, i maybe only need them for 20-30 years for getting a house for family but if you saying that im a slave for money,and then no, and that is a no, rich people look down at who are lower than them, you dont' have to care about it, let them do what ever they want, as long YOU happy with what you have right now, and thanks god and who ever support you for who you are today, when you die money will not go with you, and wait for the judgment day.

  8. If a person has plenty of money and is unhappy he should look for causes other than the dough.  

    There are probably plenty to investigate, starting with a voracious appetite for Things - including, though not

  9. If I found a bottle - rubbed it, and a genie popped out and said I had but ONE wish - I would wish to be happy. Then it wouldn't matter if I was rich or poor because I would be happy with whatever life threw at me!

  10. I don't think they are happier but not having to worry about bills is one thing. Being born into money and then going from "peanuts to earning loads" is different :

    If you're born into it, you won't know any better, but I think people who came into money probably can say they are happier now then when they were broke.

    I think if I won the lottery, I'd be happy and I wouldn't turn it down, but then I can buy whatever I want, and what's the fun in that? If i can buy whatever I want, it's almost like I didn't work for it.

    Do you ever play games where you use cheat codes and get loads of money? If you have, you probably know what I mean.. it's just not as fun as working for that money on your own in the game, even though its aggravating working for that money and "stressful".. in the end ACCOMPLISHING your goal makes it better

  11. money can't buy happiness

  12. Money can't buy happiness.  Micheal Jackson was once rich but did he ever be truly happy?  He had to tackle so much problem.  Prince William and Henry had to live without their mother and do you think they were happy because they had all the money?  What about Madonna?  How many marriages had she had to go through?

    If the popular people in this world cannot be happy, how can rich people be happy?  From experience in my life I gathered, having money takes out only one stress in life amongst other things.

    Many rich people buys things because they have money without thinking if they can pay for it in long term or not.  Well obviously they take out loan more than a non-rich person and therefore, in debt.  Yes, personality changes if someone came from earning peanuts to earning loads.  Although, you will realise they behave strangely sometime and you would not like to be around them.  The lady you are talking about here, obviously does not keep a finance book in hand to note all expenditures.  Rich people most likely to spend more but there are few who will not.

  13. It depends on what you consider rich, or happiness for that matter. You're most likely rich to a homeless person, or those little kids in those Christian Children's Fund Foundation commercial, so, are you happy? Would a homeless child be happy if he had a home and food?

    Being happy means being content with your accomplishments. If you want a big mansion and fancy cars, but you don't have that, you won't be happy, because you're not content. If all you want is a piece of bread every night, and you manage to get it, then you've accomplished what you've set out for, and become happy.

  14. my missus and i came into a large amount of money a while ago, ive got all the things i want and now im bored and depressed because ive got nothing to strive for...the grass aint always greener on the other side? very true.

  15. im afrain dits all relative. its more to do with contentment.

    personally, im in a wheelchair, i have a few thousand stashed for a rainy day... i have all the toys of the modern age, ok, i live in a council house, which has been specially adapted... (free)  i get my fuel and tax paid for me... and evn thought i get a pittance, i regard my standard of living as good as the next person, AND i have absolutely NO debt...

    money is relative. my brother owns a *** house, has 3 horses and 3 new cars (ones his, ones hers and a new truck for work) and  hes doing a balancing act, robbinig peter to pay paul. hhis lifestyle is very desirable. but not so when one realises its all a house of cards...

    i like to be able to sleep at night...  

  16. An unbelievably rich man called Rothschild once said that money can't buy happiness but at least you could be miserable in comfort.

    That's still true. Being wealthy won't in itself make you happy (unless you are incredibly shallow, like your acquaintance) but being penniless is almost guaranteed to make you miserable. Not because of the shortage of cash itself but because of the way that it constrains your life, especially that of your family.

    Remember that wealth is relative. People in a remote African village would be poor by our standards but if they have all that they need, and - importantly - no worries about where the next meal is coming from, then they'll be happy.

    There is nothing intrinsically wrong with being rich at all. It's the love of money for its own sake and for the "bling" that is wrong.

    I think that your woman has aspirations beyond her abilities so however rich she becomes it'll never be enough. That's not money's fault, it's hers.

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