
Are the richest 1% of America calling Hillary Hitler because she will not allow them to get away with stealing

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I received a e-mail. It took everything Hillary has said out of context her resolve to put the checks and balances back in place and not allow big business to continue to steal and compared her to Hitler trying to scare people out of voting for her.

The fact that money and power corrupt with out checks and balances.




  1. I disagree. In the last debate she said "I'm going to TAKE $10 Billion dollars from corporations" When you TAKE something that does not belong to you that's stealing. Give me all the thumbs downs you want ,It's the TRUTH something you liberals have a very difficult time with.

  2. Someone who is rich (and I'm certainly not) isn't stealing just b/c they happen to be rich. Bill Gates is rich and I think he deserves it (I like this windows thing he invented, it improved the quality of my life). Why should the government confiscate people's money just because they happen to be successful?

    Also if power corrupts, why do you want government to have more power? think about it. No CEO can force me to buy his product, but the government can force me to pay for all sorts of things I don't want to. (Lord Acton, the original person from the famous quote about power corrupting, is spinning in his grave. It was a warning against the power of big government!)

  3. No, they are calling her Hitler because they don't know enough about history.  Hitler invaded other countries and violated the Geneva convention........Hmmmm isn't that Bush?

  4. Since when has any president had the power over Congress to control spending?  ROFLMAO

    VETO you say?  Humph!

    Pork Barrel Spending bills are attached to critical bills that must be passed.

    Line Item Veto is the answer, but Dems have always fought that.

    Don't expect too much change, if she is president.

    You have a wonderful pipe dream.  Don't stop dreaming.

    Did you know that our Government sold a gov. owned project in San Francisco?

    Guess who bought it?

    Nancy Pelosi's son.

    Then she got through Congress about 5 billion so he could build houses on the property.

    This was Urban Improvement.  Hmmmmmm?

    Tell me more about your dreams.

  5. Hillary is rich.  Checks and balances?  You mean like her proclamation that she wants to take the oil companies profits (take, TAKE? Doesn't that strike fear into your heart?) and invest them in alternate fuel sources.  How about her proclamation that she has millions of ideas but she does not think America can afford them?  That doesn't strike you as an odd thing to say in a Capitalist society?  Well, if it doesn't you are not thinking clearly.  

    Now on the other hand, if this were a socialist country then these statement would make a lot of sense.  Hmmmm.  I wonder?


  6. Goodness. Someone who remains willfully unaware of the corruption and crookedness of Hillary, and the unconstitutionality of the Marxism she intends to impose upon America.

  7. Do many of the rich cheat the system and lobby to change the rules in their favor? Yes absolutely, many do. Greed corrupts, but laws should be fairly enforced on everyone, not just targeted on the rich.

    Do we want to strangle the rich through taxation and restrictive legislation, no of course not. Lest we forget, this most prosperous nation, with the highest standard of living for all classes, was built by the mighty tiger of capitalism. The trick is making sure the tiger's leash is not too loose, nor too tight.

    -The Sensible Moderate

  8. hillary and billy boy are the most corrupt and arrogant rich folks you will ever see, did you bump you5r head or somthing?, how can you even, for a slpit second think any other way, where were you during their presidency?, good lord

    you have zero clue.

    one more fact you should try to get a good grip on, the rich in this country pay more in taxes than you will ever make, well, the ones that dont hide behind a corporation tax shelter like the clintons

    you just bashing folks for running down a female, it makes no difference, you want her supported because of female. dont hide it.

    clueless, beating a dead horse, well, she will be nomanted by the donkey crew, and pick muslim none flag honoring, no america loving obamma as her vice, and all you yellows will support them.

  9. Must be she trying to dress them down in sissy gowns too.

    As the weakling Amazon men.

    The worker bee better stay away from the queen bee.

    What do you think?

  10. Nothing Hitllary says is true, she just wants to get elected, then watch out.  If she does get elected, this country is is serious trouble.  This is why she wants all these rights for illegal they can come into this country and illegally vote for her...and if she has her way in congress, these illegal votes will count.

  11. So, the wealthiest Americans got that way because of stealing?

    It couldn't have been because they were willing to work harder and longer than say, oh I don't know...


    You Lib/socialists crack me up.  Whenever someone has succeeded, it can't be because of their own effort, no, they cheated and stole, s it's up the the "saviors", the Lib's to redistribute the wealth, down to those poor underachievers.

    I call BS!!

  12. I can't say I really understand how trying to stop the government from taking the money you've earned is stealing.  Why exactly do libs think they deserve other people's money?

  13. Hillary Does not want any competition when it comes to stealing.

  14. No... Hillary is a communist plain and simple.  If you are part of america's richest people then you probably worked really hard to get there.  Why would you share that with anyone else?  It just doesn't make sense.  And if Hillary is elected then she will try to make the citizens of the united states communists too!  I really, really dislike her and I would rather live in Iraq than live in a country ran by a weezle.

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