
Are the right-wingers obsessed with any other social issues other than homosexuality and abortion?

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Because that's all I ever hear them talk about. g**s don't have abortions so I'm not sure why these two are always linked in their minds.




  1. Funny those are the two social issues I hear liberals obsess about constantly.  

  2. The wholesale slaughter of America's wildlife for both trophy hunting and expansion of grazing land for cattle.

    And I do consider this a social issue because how animals are treated is a good indicator of the mental health of a society.

    This is an excerpt from my email this morning from Care2 Petition Site regarding the recent approval by Alaskans for aerial hunting of wolves:

    "Just weeks ago, state wildlife agency personnel staked out a known wolf denning site -- a practice that is illegal under Alaska law -- and, using helicopters, they gunned down 14 adult wolves from the air, part of an effort to boost caribou populations in Southwest Alaska.

    When they landed, they found the 14 helpless pups in the nearby dens -- just weeks old -- and methodically shot each one in the head. 28 wolves gunned down in all."

    The utter inhumanity makes my skin crawl.

  3. How about individual responsibility? That is a trait that no left leaning democrats want to deal with whatsoever. All i heard from Barrack and his minions was that if you make a mistake in life, government will be there to scoop you up. Cradle to the Grave. If you want to be a slave to the government, be my guest, but leave me out of it.  

  4. Yes, they are totally against raising the minimum wage.  They are convinced that if CEO's make less than 500 times the lowest worker than the country will fall apart.  And thy should never speak ill of another Republican, even if that other Republican is destroying the country.  Doesn't sound like they are as patriotic as they say.

  5. the logic behind them is backwards.  The rest of the world is moving forward, republican ideas are just renewing old ideas without adopting anything new age.

  6. I would have to say left-wingers are just as obsessed with them.  

    Of course right-wingers care and are obsessed with other social issues.  They are pretty much the same as lefts but have different opinions and views on the same issues.

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