
Are the royal family a waste of time and tax payers money,?

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Are the royal family a waste of time and tax payers money,?




  1. I've often wondered this and usually think they are a waste of tax payers money - but they generate a lot of income for people (not me but some people e.g. factories that make souveniers, people who sell souveniers, newspapers etc). And you can bet that if we didn't have a royal family, as a nation, we'd still have poverty and lack of available drugs on the NHS due to costs, and extortionate taxes/house prices etc. If the government save or make money it doesn't necessarily go back into our pockets!

  2. They are not a waste!

    The royals, for all of their problems (they are human, after all), provide a continuity that no other nation can even dream of.  From Egbert all the way to Elizabeth II,  they are able to provide a "face" for the nation.  Something tangible to love, to admire, to respect.  Even the United States, founded on freedom, cannot touch this aspect with an elected head of always changes in the USA.  The royals provide the thread to the past...the knowledge that dispite civil wars, the Cromwellian republic, despots like Richard III, Britainnia will always be there, will never die, & has outlived any other government in history.

    God Save our gracious Queen.

  3. Completely

  4. "Royal-time-wasting is the prerogative of Royal -time-wasters":  it is in a class of it's own.

    The question actually should be under "anthropology"

  5. The question has been asked a million times, go look it up on previous Y&A.

  6. Not, but some members are a waste... Prince Charles, Prince Harry...


  7. I'll trade you Bush for the Royals any day !

  8. Custom and tradition, rubbish.

    It used to be the custom to draw and quarter people, but civilization has most certainly advanced since then.

  9. No I don't think so. The 'working' members of the royal family are our very best ambassadors raising our profile in the world. I think the Queen performed over 500 official visits last year - so its fair to say she workes very hard.

  10. When will people stop with this.

    The British Royal Family are a part of England and of its culture and tradition.And although they get a lot of income from taxes,England has got a good maintenance of public spaces anyway.

    And I can't see how The British Royal Family are a waste of time.

    Vivat Regina!

    God Save the Queen!


  11. No, I don't think the Royal Family is a waste of time and tax payers money.  I'm a fan and think they are invaluable.

    This question is asked frequently in this section and it's a bit like politics and religion....some of us have strong opinions!

    best of luck to you!

  12. this is a very tough question to answer. althought the monarchy "do their bit" and pay taxes, they also use a lot of taxpayers money. for instance, when Prince Charles started dating Camilla......he spent a LOT of taxpayers money to outfit her 3rd (possibly 4th) home with security features and people. the public were outraged by this as Charles is extremely rich and Camilla spends less than a week a year at the property in question.

    Personally i believe the monarchy is outdated and is a "birth lottery". for a country who are trying to blur the lines between classes, the monarchy does nothing except emphasise these differences. after all, if the royals were so concerned with helping the needy, why do they not donate to families in the UK who need it and why do they continue to use taxpayers money instead of their own?

  13. who would you prefer to "run" your country

    Queen Elizabeth or George bush

  14. The Queen pays taxes too you Know. Maybe she thinks you are a waste of her money!

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