
Are the royal family becoming a thing of the past ?

by Guest44569  |  earlier

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Are the royal family becoming a thing of the past ?




  1. To which royal family do you alude?  If you are speaking of the Windsors of Buckingham Palace I would have to say no.  They've had quite a bit of turbulance over the years but they've got staying power.

  2. No. Next question.

  3. i do not think so  I think the Brits enjoy the tradition of having them

  4. Not of the past - people are just starting to realise... what do they actually do? If anything, they're thieves because they take all our tax money so Harry can go flying planes, or they take precious art work and lock it up in vaults.

  5. You must be related to the Lemur? Which royal family. If you mean the one on television that was hilarious and definitely worth another series

  6. no

  7. I'd rather the queen be head of state rather than have the european flag rammed down our throats..

    Plus we get to take the squizz out of Camilla..

  8. Hopefully

  9. i hope so, i certainly hope so

  10. Yes, and the sooner, the better. Stupid outmoded concept.

  11. The government find them advantageous, although the Queen has little influence,  she can be quoted as approving some difficult choice a government may be required to make that would be unpopular.

  12. I certainly hope not.  I am American but I love Queen Elizabeth.  I'm almost her age, so I can tell you from experience she does a great deal of charity work.  

    In addition I remember how much time she has given to soldiers returning from war, especially the wounded, and their families.

    I recall seeing her, personally, helping to save precious art treasures during the fire to that residence.  She actually was  endangering her own life to save Britain's heritage.

    She can pull more than half the world into unity in an instant.  This is no small deed.

    As for cost??? lol, try our presidential palace, The Whitehouse, expenses in relation to your Queen's.

  13. How? They are still here and active. They on occasions bring the nation together like nothing else. Or do you not realise this. You read too many newspapers and believe the pathetic journalistic stories full of  republican rubbish and liberal cr*p. Get a grip, they are one of a few institutions left that gives us an identity.

  14. No chance, the royals are the biggest tourist attraction this country has.

  15. No they are a vital institution of Great Britain to prevent a dictatorship happening. The Prime Minister and Government always defer to the reigning Monarch as Head Of State:  Although the government administrates.It is a delicate and marvellous balance of powers. If the Labour party continue their subtle attacks on the Royal Family who they want to oust-then democracy will suffer and suffer.......

  16. If so, then what would you replace them with - someone like George Bush?

  17. I hope so.Their last episode was television rubbish.

  18. They don't really do much for the actual country but they are not a thing of the past.

  19. ye i don't understand why people like the queen she does nothing and is very private, and imagine Harry becoming the King what a joke that would be after him going to a fancy dress party wearing a n**i costume with a swastika on his arm, I sure Jewish people didn't think it was as cool to wear as he did. IDIOT

  20. no - they are still here - but yes i know what you mean

  21. They should be, they are all mixed up

  22. Yes.  Diana's death is a large part of that, too.  People are waking up in the UK and asking "Why are my taxes supporting the overly-lavishly wealthy lifestyle of the Royal Family?"

    I say the UK should just pull the tax money plug right out from under the Royals and let their OWN $$$$ fund their lives; let the UK tax $$$$ go to where it's really needed---to the people of the UK.

  23. They probably won't As they generate new off springs with each marriage they have.

  24. I certainly hope so. They are outmoded,disfunctional and serve no useful purpose.The tourists will still visit our beautiful country which consists of a lot more than the Windsors!!

  25. They are a thing of the past

  26. No in Prince William we have a young man who will lead this country well into the 21st century.

    Things have never looked better for our beloved royal family.

    My only regret is that these wonderful people are not given an even larger share of the UK tax yield as their income.

    They bloody well deserve it!

  27. I hope not lets keep a little bit of our culture, I'm British and proud please keep our royals.

  28. Not in Europe.  They are huge celebrities there (if not particularly powerful or influential) just look at any european gossip mag.

  29. I think if Charles takes over from the queen with hes h**r at hes it will be a poor thing imagine if Diana was by hes side

    she would have been loved had loyal subjects maybe her son could pull it back but not hes father

    Once the Queen retires or dies the problem will arise she has loyaltie as she has always put the country first

  30. No, they are a thing of the past.

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