
Are the rumors about Palin true or false?

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I read that Palin was not the one who gave birth to the child with down syndrome, that it was in fact her 16 year old daughter. I saw a picture where her daughter looked very pregnant, but you never know. If you have a credible link, will you please share?




  1. Already debunked. There are pictures of a pregnant Sarah Palin taken in February and March 2008:

  2. wait, did anyone ever see sarah with a big stomach at all?  

  3. They are false. If it were true it wouldn't be a rumor but a fact.  

  4. don't know, don't care. Just the fact that she is completely unqualified and holds extreme right-wing views is all I need to know.  

  5. False and disgusting

    A rumor is called a rumor because it has NO basis in fact

    It's very humiliating and embarassing for a teenage girl when people say things about her weight, or how she looks...I'm sure that having her character attacked doesn't make her feel very good either...What do you think this is doing to HER?...Her school friends see this garbage on the internet, too...How do you think she's being treated?...High school is difficult enough, with peer pressure, image and acceptance issues, without this BS...How can liberals be so insensitive, destructive and cruel?...Are ALL Democrats like this?...I guess it really shouldn't surprise me that they wouldn't think twice about destroying a child.

    The reason they knew the baby had Down's Syndrome before it was born, is that they tested for it, because there is a high risk for it when you get pregnant AFTER THE AGE OF 40...Sarah is 44.

  6. There's no evidence that's it's true.

  7. No one has a credible link, because it is stoopid on it's face.  As is anyone who would stoop to such tactics.

    EDIT:  MO! - If you keep reading the Daily Kos, you will keep being stupid

  8. How about ABC News

    and the Anchorage Daily News

    The daughter is now 19.  Trig was born in April 2008.  The photo that is circulating was taken in 2006.  

    The Daily Kos has pulled it from their website already.  I guess they were happy to start this horrible "story", and now they don't want it traced back to them.

  9. i think its very true, read all about it on this site.. it has pictures of her obviously pregnant daughter.

  10. fraid not true.

    try another spin.

    he water broke at the airport for crying out loud!

  11. Not a credible story and as a Obama supporter, I think it's sad to see some people think this type of attack is justifiable regardless of their party.

  12. SEE??? IT STARTED BACK UP!!!  

  13. False.  That is why it is a rumor and not a fact.  

  14. I think the pregnancy issue is probably bogus.

    Other issues that are of interest, is that Mrs.Palin as Governor will sue for having the Polar Bear put on the endangered species list because the bears will then get in the way of oil development.

    Her stance on global warming is that it is not man made:

    She is not abandoning Earmarks for Alaska all together:

    There is question as to whether or not she really fought the 'bridge to no where' or if Congress took that away and allowed those funds to go to different funding areas of the State:

    She has approved the areal shooting of wolves and bears even though the citizens opposed this, because this was to help with the food supply.

    She opposed a measure that was questionable regarding a new gold/precious metal mine, the Pebble Mine project which is controversial due to environmental implications as well as affecting the salmon fishing industry.

    I do not understand what her thoughts/position/ideas are about the war in Iraq after listening to this interview of a couple weeks ago:

    On a personal note, I didn't find it attractive on her part to insult Senator Clinton's 'womanhood' twice during this interview with News week:

    These are just a few issues/decisions that concern me far more than rumors over a pregnancy which again I think are probably bogus.

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