
Are the rumors true, that on 9/11, Bin Ladens family was allowed to fly out of U.S.?

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Are the rumors true, that on 9/11, Bin Ladens family was allowed to fly out of U.S.?




  1. There has not been any law or regulation targeting the Bin Laden family from travel.  They were not involved in the 9/11 tragedy, and disowned Osama in 1994.

         They did not leave the U.S. on 9/11.  They did leave "shortly after".

  2. Yes many of these Saudis were flown out of the Las Vegas in a luxurious private jet. The same jet McCain and his family frequently used to fly to the Bahamas. McCain was slapped on the wrist for accepting gifts from big campaign contributor who was responsible for the biggest collapse of a Savings and Loan Co. The guy who own the said S&L also owns the jet that flew the Saudis out of the country. Remember Bush and McCain knows how to treat friends.

  3. they may of done, before 9/11 not many people knew who bin laden was.

  4. The Bin Laden family, yes. That doesn't mean they were close. It just means the Bin Ladens (cousins, uncles, etc) who were in the country, and were (close personal friends of the oil industry) of the same name, along with some other staff and such.

    Details are out there, pick up "Crossing the Rubicon" by Michael Ruppert

  5. and so much more dear!

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