
Are the russians going to attack the United States itself with nuclear weapons? THE COUNTRY NOT STATE!

by  |  earlier

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This gorgia conflict has me worried... are they actually going to launch weapons of mass destruction on the united states, the north american continent?




  1. I think instead of asking this you should be asking questions about grammar and spelling first.

  2. Get a valium. Or just some brains.

  3. USA will nuke georgia rather than getting into a fight w/ russia.

    Don't forget your meds tonight ok

  4. No.

    I'm an army brat of a Canadian soldier and I'm old enough to remember the Cuban crisis. My dad and every singly soldier on Base (C.F.B. Borden) were confined to barracks. The P.M.Q.s were empty of men, there were only the women and the children to be seen. Not a man about for days. They too thought that we were actually going to go to war with the Soviet Union, because they knew that Kennedy wasn't going to back down, and they thought that Khrushchev would be foolish enough to force the issue to save face.

    They were wrong and as a kid all I could think of was: "what the heck is everybody scared for"?

    There is no way that the two superpowers are going to start a war with each other. Both sides know that neither side will win and the whole damned world will pay for it.

    It's all sabre rattling my friend. Go to bed tonight and sleep well because nothing is going to happen here.

  5. Don't worry yourself. They did not do it during the cold war they won't do it now. Of course their could always be a crazy somewhere who would start a nuclear holocaust. Had Hitler had the A Bomb he would have used it. Let's all sing "DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY"  

  6. Yes If US Tries To Threaten Russia It Will Definately Fight With US Because Russia Is A Very Old Competitor Of US

  7. You've obviously been watching too much Fox/CNN

  8. Be wise, and don't bet the rent money on it.

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