
Are the senteneces for the "canoe couple " 6 years a little too long it was only a few hundred grand ?

by Guest61118  |  earlier

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Awoman got 4 years for embezzling 4 million from her employers and shes got to keep the house




  1. They got a long sentence with it being insurance fraud & yes its way too long.Personally I think they have suffered enough.

  2. The sentence was probably so long due to all the publicity.

  3. A non violent crime means that they will be out in two years.

  4. I believe that the sentences they received were, perhaps, a trifle short, bearing in mind the seriousness of the offence and the fact that with parole they will be free in 2 - 3 years.   Not only did they receive insurance money but also plundered the Prison Officer's pension fund.   Couple this with the hurt they have caused their family and friends they must feel very lucky to have received the sentence they did.

  5. 6 years, too long?

    if they're killed ( murdered, manslaughter, etc ) some-one they would have got EVEN less.

    this sentencing shows the varied inconsistencies & crass ineffectual punishment dished out by the UK justice system.

    where's the deterrent in their sentences to discourage other greedy people to try the same con?

    6 years is nothing, since it's likely they'll only serve a fraction of it, anyway.

    seems their case Only came unstuck when ms darwin discovered mr darwin had been playing away from home!

    she decided, like most wronged women, she was prepared to drop him in it as the ultimate punishment, even knowing full well she would suffer too!

    She will now feel " justice has been done " as she wanted to be punished & suffer for what she put her children through.

    & then I read this morning, to add even more insult to the all honest/decent people for their pitiful scam.

    AND even though the darwins are worth in excess of a million, in assets, the Tax-payer has funded their legal defence with legal aid!

    where's the sense in this?

    there is none!

  6. Maybe the jail terms are a bit steep considering that many people get less for murder. I think they have received a far worse sentence in the fact that their sons have, rightly, totally disowned them.

  7. what about the million or so for the rescue search which put other peoples lives at risk.

  8. Nah! Look at the hurt they've caused their sons, the pair of b******s! They'll be out in about two years anyway. What annoys me, though is that they're getting Legal Aid. Why? They've got bloody assets which should have been used instead of the taxpayer footing the bill for THEIR crime! I also wonder at two supposedly intelligent people who actually POSED for photographs while carrying out their fraud. Pair of tossers!

  9. Most MPs fiddle that much on their expenses as a matter of course,no questions asked.

  10. O.K. I know they broke the law and that what they did to their sons was unforgivable, but at the end of the day the old sods amused takes some balls and guts to try something like this !!!

  11. What is the sentence for their two sons? A lifetime of disgust for the people who spawned them and treated them so shabbily! They should have got life - that's what their children have got!

  12. It's money,therefore long sentence.Murder is less important so shorter sentences.

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