
Are the signs at stores announcing "we card under 40" directly attributable to the rise of the nanny state?

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It doesn't get much more ridiculous than "we card under 40", does it?

The sad part is, I'm not sure that's the end of it. Unfortunately, I would not be surprised to see "we card under 50" someday.




  1. Yes and No.

    The real nanny state issues are seat belt and helmet laws for cars and motorcycles, especially for adults.

    Making some drugs illegal is another sign of the government protecting the people from themselves.

  2. This reminds me of an interesting story, so Im gonna tell it.  See I spent the last year living on the streets.  The last month was the worst of it though.  I got into a car accident, and got beaten and robbed in one of the worst neighborhoods in Baltimore city.  They took my cellphone, my ciggarettes(not Newports), my car keys, and my wallet.  So I spent the last week in a Dunkin Doughnuts on Belair Road.  Fun part was whenever I went to buy ciggarettes at Wal Mart or Giant Food they wouldnt sell them to me.  Mind you I am 30 years old and considering what I went through I DESERVED A CIGGARETTE.  My bank manager allowed me to access my bank accounts and Wal Mart wouldn't sell me tobacco.  Yeah I told you it was a funny story.

  3. Another sign the end is near.

  4. My husband is a grizzled 61, no ones idea of 'under 40', he got carded the other day for trying to buy a six pack.

    He was so insulted he put it back.

    Its not a nanny state its a moronic law.

  5. No but it keeps people from complaining about being carded... pretty much no matter how old they look.

  6. I think it has more to do with them not getting sued.

    So if a kid does get cigs or booze from the store and their mommy freaks out about it, the store can blame the clerk for not following company protocol.

    EDIT- seat belt and helmet laws are also related to manufacturers not getting sued by people injured in accidents with their products.  It's not about the Nanny state, it sure as h**l isn't about safety, it's about protecting the corporate dollar.

    Nuff said

  7. Since the fines and other consequences for selling alcohol to minors is stiffer for the seller than the buyer many places have gone to a 100% identification check. I can't say I blame them.

    Not really a "nanny state" issue. Simply enforcing a very old law properly.

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