
Are the stock market's rigged?

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According to CNBC's trusted Jim Cramer it is:

What do you think? People listen to him all the time for investing advice will they listen to him now?




  1. Yes, there is something going on here and it is not in the favor of the investor at all. Gramer has a point and an viable idea to just stop trading like many have done already. My 401K has never recovered since the tech bubble burst.

  2. The NYSE and NASDAQ markets are in turmoil.  And Jim gave the answer in his rather exuberant rant.  He said this is a liaises faire government.  The people at the FTC are letting down the country and the world by not stepping in and stopping this event.  This administration is leading us to h**l in a hand basket.  They just don't give a sh*t what happens. It is THE most disgusting thing to witness.  They have sold the public down the river and it started 8 years ago.  Then the  thievery kicked into high gear 4 years ago.  Remember who should have won the presidency in 2000?  I would bet everything, nothing would be like it is now.

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