
Are the streets of Phoenix safer

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Now that those notorious corn vendors have been arrested? I will sure sleep better tonight and so will those 10,000 criminals with felony warrants outstanding in Arizona! How many law enforcement officers were taken off the street to arrest corn vendors?

And how did Phoenix get sooooooo many illegal immigrants with Sherrif Joe on the job?




  1. you dont understand she ask the manager if he had diapers and high chairs and bibs for her tow babies meaning me and my bro . how can that not be abuse? no other mom would do that to there kids only mine would do something like wouldnt do that? its not fair she said that. It was only ketchup everything would have been cool if that stupid manager didnt comeover and said something. The ppl in front of us would even have notice there was ketchup on there clothes. she called us babies in front off ppl and some stupid mother came up to my mother in mcdonalds and told her she extra binkys and pampers in her car if she wanted them. Its not fair i want to report my mom for abuse for saying those things you know? It was only a purse we got ketchup on the lady said it was a coach it cost her 300 bucks. she was crying over a purse. plus people get paid to clean up messes. it has to be a girl thing right?  

  2. when Joe decided to stop looking for every single one of those 10 000 criminals to go look for undocumented phoenix certainly did not became safer ... i find ironical than someone who calls himself Americans toughest would go look for undocumented immigrants which are far more helpful to America than any of those 10 000 and the many more criminals all around America which should be in jail already . i find ironical too than it does seems as it he gave legitimacy to them actually being in the streets when he clearly should be looking for them instead . think of the rapists , think of the thieves which are living outside and could be trying to destroy others and which Arpaio could have arrested already .

    About the corn vendors i was having a conversation this morning with a friend and she said it was ok for me to post this conversation here since it is about corn vendors :

    Game Over: well sometimes taking too much medications is a bad thing u know

    friend : who does that??

    friend: I eat two ears a day

    Game Over: i hope u don't lol

    Game Over: ears ?

    friend : of corn

    friend : yummy

    Game Over: ohhh ... ears !?

    friend : and then there are those sonora hot dog vendors

    Game Over: corns do not have ears

    friend : d**n if he goes after them I am really in trouble

    friend : gotta have those hotdogys

    Game Over: weirda , i ned some water

    friend: i have alot of that

    friend : bought it from the water vendor this morning

    friend : with a snow cone

    friend : xxxxxx brought me ceviche

    friend : from Sinaloa

  3. Lmaooo yes the corn vendors controversy was hilarious. With so much **** happening in the US atm, you cant help but laugh when you see police officers handcuffing confused corn vendors...  Please, i see it as a bunch of lazy,fat, over paid,underworked cops who dont feel like dealing with real criminals, and instead want a pat on the head for stupid, mundane things. A lot of people say that the LAPD is corrupt, yadayada, but at least they get the job done (meaning they dont turn a blind eye to a bank robbery, and instead arrest the corn vendor down the street)

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