
Are the sumerians really the very first civilization on earth?

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Are the sumerians really the very first civilization on earth?




  1. yes

  2. they probably are NOT, but they are the only civilization we have record of that dates that far in the past. We will probably find some evidence about other civilizations in the future, with the help of technology.

  3. change your grandmas nursing home diaper she took a big dump in it.

    :) hope i helped!!

  4. Recent discoveries point at the fact that they were other advanced civilizations before the end of last ice-age about 10000 years ago. One of the most famous evidence of this has been found on Yonaguni Island in Japan. A large infrastructure would have been flooded 8000B.C because of the melting of the last ice caps. Some believed to have been made by an ancient Malay civilizations, that have spread to multiple area after the flood. Some did reach Easter Island and others Indonesia. A good movie about this can be found at this link:

  5. Probably... but, at the rate we are discovering new digs I wouldn't bet the farm on it.  They were the 1st large civilization it would appear.  They date back to 4,000 BC & we've not found anything approaching their size & sophistication ... YET!

  6. No they are not.There were many others like incas and maya and aztec before

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