
Are the temps up anywhere on the planet this year?

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here in st. louis, in the month of august, we never went above 90 degrees...UNHEARD OF!!!! this is the coolest summer i have ever, what's all this al gore guff about global warming?




  1. They may be up but not by the amount that global warming supporters say they are. Global warming scientists STRECH THE NUMBERS (mostly to get funding).  

  2. Yes, temps are up elsewhere...

  3. Same in NY  Coolest and wettest summer ever.  Actually am sitting here bundled up as if it were winter.  If heating oil weren't so expensive I would turn the furnace on.  

  4. Yes

    "The July 2008 combined global land and ocean surface temperature was 0.88 degree F (0.49 degree C) above the 20th century mean of 60.4 degrees F (15.8 degrees C). For the January - July period, the combined global land and ocean surface temperature was 0.81 degree F (0.45 degree C) above the 20th century mean of 56.9 degrees F (13.8 degrees C).

    Separately, the global land surface temperature for July was 1.22 degrees F (0.68 degree C) above the 20th century mean of 57.8 degrees F (14.3 degrees C). For January - July, the global land surface temperature was 1.35 degrees F (0.75 degree C) above the 20th century mean of 46.8 degrees F (8.3 degrees C).

    The July global ocean surface temperature was 0.76 degree F (0.42 degree C) above the 20th century mean of 61.5 degrees F (16.4 degrees C). The January - July global ocean surface temperature was 0.61 degrees F (0.34 degrees C) above the 20th century mean of 61.0 degrees F (16.1 degrees C)."

  5. It's FREEZING this AM in NJ. Had to put the heat on n the car.

  6. Yes.  As usual some areas are warmer, while others are cooler.  More are warmer.  This will give you some idea:

    "June [2008] temperatures were warmer than average across the southern and eastern states, and cooler than average across the Northwest and northern Plains.

    New Jersey and Rhode Island ranked second warmest and Delaware ranked third warmest, based on statewide data going back to 1895. Nine states (Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, and North and South Carolina) were much warmer than average, and 23 were warmer than average.

    Seven states (Minnesota, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, and North and South Dakota) were cooler than average.

    Unusually warm June temperatures translated into a higher temperature-related residential energy demand. Based on NOAA's Residential Energy Demand Temperature Index, contiguous U.S. temperature-related energy demand was approximately 7.5 percent above average in June."

  7. OR!!!  Climate change could be changing things globally, not locally.  (Gee imagine that, global warming changing the GLOBE!)

    In NJ it is indeed the coolest August I remember in 30+ years (In fact I keep saying that I wasn't expecting October this August.)  However, if the poles gain 15 degrees, and we loose 10, that's still a net gain of 5 (if you don't believe me, uhm, well, ask a math teacher.) :)

    Also in the last 10 years, the global temperature has been on the decline, however in the past 3 millenia of data, the last 10 years is still much higher than what it should be.

  8. its the conservatives manipulating the weather so that after the elections they can raise the price of oil during the long cold winter,

  9. It is just a scam to make more money. Our teachers are teaching it as if it were true. Your education must be built on the truth...  

  10. But Al now says because of his heroic efforts the danger is over for now and the world is saved. Send your support checks for his efforts directly to him not any others.

  11. Now--- take an average of those averages using averaged data sets, and hand-written ground station entries, and hand-written ocean going ship records, and filled in guessed at sets of missing, data sets --- and expand this completely across the entire Earth.

    Then apply a math formula that estimates the standard deviation of all those sets of data-- and get a fraction of a degree increase or decrease, on a yearly basis----

    Then use a PowerPoint presentation and neat looking graphs, and multi-media graphics,  to present your theory. Sounds like a well founded "PLAN" to me. !!   :)

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