
Are the trolls trying to get tricky?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone notice how the clone is trying to make it less obvious by giving other people some best answers? Pity they ask in blocks of five from each account and give majority best answer to a certain dog (nearly 50% best answer and Top Contributor).




  1. I agree 100% with Rogue!!!

    Looks like you have a clone buddy!!!  lol

  2. Maybe they are getting turned on by Marge

  3. Yes. they are getting very, very tricky!

    Doh, it's enough to drive me to drink! Margggggggge. Get me a beer!

    Do you think I will get best answer for this one? I really think I deserve it, don't you?

  4. thats nothin new

    notice he still has collingwood logo

    because he cant copy mine

  5. It only takes 2 or so people to report him for the question/answers to be deleted.....I should know since he uses his multiply accounts to give me violations.

    Block and ignore .. dunno why people answer troll questions.

    PS:  Im getting sick of seeing my clone avatar now...I used to love that pic until he cloned it!!

  6. You have a point there Mr Simpson

  7. I have blocked them all,and I certainly don't want to answer their questions. These losers don't even have the brains to ask a question from their own mind, they need to copy other's or look into the web for AFL questions. Surely these loser's are so stupid and thick.....they need to get help from psychiatric ward.

    I bet you these loser's are answering their own questions and giving best answer's to each other. One loser may have 3 or 4 accounts, a lot of hadr work to keep in control of the situtaion, Is it really worth it..... WANKER'S?

  8. I dont want to sound stupid, but, WTF is a "TROLL"? I only get on here when I am off  duty, so, I can't very well answer  all the questions that I like, or know about, when I first found this place, I really thought it was some kinda informational network, like Googling stuff {the words "google" and "yahoo" still crack me the *** up, by the way}, I guess little nubian computer cyberbabies, like me, would be a troll target, then, cause, I still don't get it! Well,  to answer your Q, hey, I really don't know if they're tryin' to get tricky, baby, all I know is that if someone can utilize the majority of their time trying to jack other people's accounts all the **** up,  they must not have anything better to do with their miserable lives, I mean, d**n! Don't  these sorry motherfukkers, whoever they are,  got a job, a life, a maturity level,  or a better reason for being? cause, it ain't that serious, life is too short,  and  I'm  so having the most fun on here, still...So, I say," *** a Troll"{I learned to cuss without censorship on here, how am I doing?!!} I am not now, nor ever have I been,  and never will I be, afraid of the Big Bad Wolf!!! {"e tu, Brute?"}

  9. still don't get all this troll c**p talk, if someone is on all the time,are they are troll too, just answer what you like and thats that, its like high school in here,who care who gives who 10 points, or thumbs down, just answer and be done with it, it gets to a point where i say, should i answer that one, oh know then i'll be a troll, half the people on here are trolls they sit on all day waiting to have a go at someone.

    if someone puts a question on and you know the answer, well answer it, if you think its stupid, dont answer, im just having fun with answers if i dont know them.

    come on every one life is too short.

    now i'll be a troll too i suppose. whatever, who gives c**p.

  10. do have any idea

  11. I went through those questions and only answered the ones that us knowledgeable footy fans would ask, all of clone lee tee's questions as they were surprisingly good for once.

    But it is funny to see 4 questions from one followed by 4 from another and so on.

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